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Advice needed for Gradle build - Transitive dependencies (declared as API) not showing up in compile class path of Java Consumer

Posting here for feedback/advice. I have a Java library - Lib and a Java Project - Consumer, somehow dependencies of Lib (declared as API - which should be exposed to consumers) are not read/called ...
mailVu's user avatar
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Visual Studio 2022 Community : publish to folder not working

Visual Studio has a Publish feature, and one of the options is to publish to a folder - I use it to determine which files to include in my InnoSetup installer because I have a complex project and it's ...
Gerry's user avatar
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NPM package publishing problems

I'm trying npm publish --access public command but it's returning answer like that: npm error code EINVALIDTAGNAME npm error Invalid tag name "@latest" of package "@latest": Tags ...
Mustafa Kaya's user avatar
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How to release/publish several versions of the application for each client

I have a website that is separated by React repo and ASP.NET repo. I want to have a base repos with the base features of websites. Then, with each client, they need different features and ...
Baodv1001's user avatar
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Why is the "Publish" dialog not showing up in Visual Studio?

I recently watched a video tutorial on how to publish a C# application as a single-file .exe using Visual Studio. In the video, when the creator clicks "Publish," they are presented with a ...
JojoGIF2001's user avatar
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VS Docker publish assembly references problem

I have a C# Visual Studio console application with Docker Support added.The application references libraries as assemblies (dll files). When running the application as a console app, the dll files are ...
Michael's user avatar
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App Submission failed in indus app store: Debuggable apps are not allowed

I am trying to upload the app.apk file from build-> apks-> build apk to indus app store but it is showing an error: App Submission failed The submission of "Information downloader CSV"...
Sanmoy Roy's user avatar
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Flutter:IOS - This bundle is invalid. The value for key CFBundleVersion [b1.0.0] in the Info.plist file must be a period-separated list

we are getting below error while uploading the flutter app build to apple store from xcode. Can you please help us troubleshoot this issue? This bundle is invalid. The value for key CFBundleVersion [...
Suhas TJ's user avatar
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`cargo package` fails saying warning: no `Cargo.toml` file found when packaging

Here is the full output: PS C:\ox\ditrit\specimen\rust\writable> cargo package warning: no `Cargo.toml` file found when packaging `specimen__writable` (note the case of the file name). Packaging ...
Mathieu CAROFF's user avatar
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ASP.NET Core use wrong static html file content with vite build

I'm using ASP.Net core SPA with svelte kit static-adapter, when publish project, the wwwroot folder get generate by vite build command for app.UseDefaultFiles(); app.UseStaticFiles();. Start the ...
Bsweest's user avatar
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How to resolve error so as to be able to publish to Play Store? Will these errors prevent me from doing so?

I'm getting the following error while building my Flutter project for Android. This is happening for the dependency google_mobile_ads that my project uses. Note: /home/myName/.pub-cache/hosted/
rusty's user avatar
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Google Closed Testing

I have recruited testers for my closed testing, but I got rejected by "More testing required to access Google Play production" after I applied for production. Is there a way to monitor if ...
Raymond's user avatar
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Incorrectly registered Broadcast receiver (Google Play uploading and publishing issue)

I'm stuck on some issue about uploading my android application to Google play store. enter image description here I fixed some code in the project which is still android 13. However right after I ...
user26687663's user avatar
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How should I publish a parent module?

Since the Maven tool does not automatically exclude transitive dependencies at binary-compile-time + publishing and neither does Gradle, I understand the need to divide between "core" and &...
Delark's user avatar
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Why does ClickOnce publish, create multiple application version folders

Question Why when I publish my application to a new location using ClickOnce using Visual Studio does it recreate previous versions of the tool and not only the most recent version of the tool? <?...
Mandelbrotter's user avatar

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