Contact Us

Contact Us

Use one of the support paths below to request assistance from SAP

Contact Customer Interaction Center

For Non-Product Related Assistance

The Customer Interaction Center (CIC) is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year. CIC provides a central point of contact for queries such as existing cases and SAP for Me navigation, S-user ID and Universal ID. If you have any questions about these or other support topics, please do not hesitate to contact CIC.

To learn more about SAP Support, please review Getting the Most From Your Support.

The Customer Interaction Center can do the following:

  • Assist with issue management such as case creation, updates or escalations on existing cases
  • Guide you through support resources in SAP for Me
  • Assist with User Management such as S-user management, authorization inquiries or password reset help

  • Locate your licensed software from the Download Center
  • Provide assistance with License Keys request questions, creation or deletion of systems
  • Request a remote service on your behalf, and confirm all prerequisites, to ensure a successful service booking

Contact SAP Technical Support

For Product Related Assistance

If you are experiencing an issue with the functionality of your SAP solution, and you are unable to find a solution using the SAP Support Knowledge Search, you can access the following channels through the Get Support card in SAP for Me:

  • Create a Case
  • Expert Chat
  • Ask an Expert Peer
  • Open an SAP Community Question
  • Schedule an Expert Session 

Or use SAP Built-In Support if your SAP solution is already supported. Learn more

Additional Resources