Template linking and transclusion check

Checks and reports which articles that transcludes a template that are not linked from the template, and which articles that are linked from a template but do not transclude it.

Results for Skabelon:Ghanas VM-trup 2022 (edit)

Mismatch between transclusions and links
Transclusion but no linkLink but no transclusion

Total: 0

Total: 20
Abdul Fatawu Issahaku (create)
Abdul Manaf Nurudeen (create)
Alexander Djiku (create)
Alidu Seidu (create)
Anfører (fodbold) (edit)
Antoine Semenyo (create)
Daniel-Kofi Kyereh (create)
Daniel Afriyie (create)
Elisha Owusu (create)
Ghana (edit)
Ghanas fodboldlandshold (edit)
Gideon Mensah (create)
Ibrahim Danlad (create)
Joseph Aidoo (create)
Kamal Sowah (create)
Lawrence Ati-Zigi (create)
Otto Addo (create)
Salis Abdul Samed (create)
Tariq Lamptey (create)
VM i fodbold 2022 (edit) VM i fodbold 2022 (mænd) (edit)

 Links to redirects

Total: 1
VM i fodbold 2022 (edit) VM i fodbold 2022 (mænd) (edit)

Complete transclusion and link overview
Transclusions of the templateLinks from the template

Total: 11
André Ayew (edit)
Daniel Amartey (edit)
Baba Rahman (edit)
Mohammed Kudus (edit)
Denis Odoi (edit)
Jordan Ayew (edit)
Kamaldeen Sulemana (edit)
Thomas Partey (edit)
Osman Bukari (edit)
Mohammed Salisu (edit)
Iñaki Williams (edit)

Total: 31
Abdul Fatawu Issahaku (create)
Abdul Manaf Nurudeen (create)
Alexander Djiku (create)
Alidu Seidu (create)
André Ayew (edit)
Anfører (fodbold) (edit)
Antoine Semenyo (create)
Baba Rahman (edit)
Daniel-Kofi Kyereh (create)
Daniel Afriyie (create)
Daniel Amartey (edit)
Denis Odoi (edit)
Elisha Owusu (create)
Ghana (edit)
Ghanas fodboldlandshold (edit)
Gideon Mensah (create)
Ibrahim Danlad (create)
Iñaki Williams (edit)
Jordan Ayew (edit)
Joseph Aidoo (create)
Kamal Sowah (create)
Kamaldeen Sulemana (edit)
Lawrence Ati-Zigi (create)
Mohammed Kudus (edit)
Mohammed Salisu (edit)
Osman Bukari (edit)
Otto Addo (create)
Salis Abdul Samed (create)
Tariq Lamptey (create)
Thomas Partey (edit)
VM i fodbold 2022 (edit) VM i fodbold 2022 (mænd) (edit)

Generated: Sat, 21 Sep 2024 06:27:21 UTC. Duration: 0 seconds.

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