Gore + vampires + Tarantino & Rodriquez= great entertainment
29 April 2000
Robert Rodriguez's From Dusk till Dawn combines vicious violence, Cheech Marin vampires, and some funny humor from the cast into one big collective film. More than a basic horror movie, it has Rodriquez as a fine director and Quentin Tarantino as a good screenwriter who bring to the screen basic shoot em up fun. Not all of it is for the people out there, but for thrill seeking teens, it's worth a glance.

The story involves 2 criminal brothers (George Clooney and Tarantino) who are part focused and part insane. They kidnap a family (Harvey Keitel, Ernest Liu and Juliette Lewis) and bring them to a bar called the T**y twister while waiting for morning and their money prize. But what ensues in that bar is terrific fun in which all the members are vampires and are relentless "from dusk till dawn". Great fun, terrific violence (if not disgusting) and cool quotes bring this film to a fine T. Look for Tom Savini as Sex Machine, Salma Hayek as a stripper and Cheech Marin who plays 3 characters. A+
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