9/11: 10 Years Later (2011 TV Movie)
Continue of Propaganda
9 June 2015
In most disgraceful way - feeding on died fireman - following "official story" with Muslim terrorism. Authors did not even try to ask, unanswered for 10 years, uncomfortable questions. Instead they took Robert De Niro to legitimize and spin mourning behind dead bodies of innocent heroes. There are no doubts for biggest mystery in the history of United States of America. No explanation of "vaporized" plane in Pentagon, no tears for "passengers who took back plane from terrorists" and crashed it at the middle of nowhere with very little to none wreck on crash site... And there are no answers, explanations or even questions to hundreds of "magic coincidences" that happened 9/11 ... self collapsing WTC 7... Yes America - YOU CAN! - believe in propaganda and give BIG YES to prolong so called PATRIOT ACT. It was one of your famous presidents who said "Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety".
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