Influencer (II) (2022)
Clash of the Influencers: Unleashing the Badass!
14 June 2023
I initially had no plans to watch this movie, as I couldn't imagine what could make the story exciting. However, I was pleasantly surprised. It turned out to be a fantastic film that introduced me to an incredible actress named Cassandra Naud (CW). Her performance blew me away. As someone who has been living in Thailand for six years, it was refreshing to see the authentic representation of the country in the movie. The plot and storyline were well-crafted and executed, keeping me connected throughout. However, one area that could have been improved was the complexity of the characters, in particular the two influencers and CW. We were left guessing about CW's past and motivations, as they were never revealed explicitly. Nonetheless, this is the only "criticism" I have. The fast-paced plot keeps the movie lively, and Cassandra Naud's portrayal of CW as a captivating mystery is outstanding. She effortlessly embodies the "bad girl" image, especially in the film's final moments, which you'll have to see for yourself to appreciate. It's worth mentioning that the acting overall was admirable, not just by Cassandra Naud but also by Emily Tennant as Madison and Rory J Saper as Ryan. The movie explores the dark powers of deception, demonstrating the unpredictable and dangerous journey that Madison, Ryan, Jessica, and CW find themselves navigating. It's a fun film that you will truly enjoy watching.
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