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MPAA Rated R for strong violence and gore, language and nudity

Sex & Nudity

  • Half the movie takes places in a strip bar, where topless women are seen periodically.
  • One of the Gecko brothers daydreamed that the Fuller girl briefly asked him for oral sex.
  • A man rapes and beats a woman to death offscreen. This is not seen, but her bloodied corpse is later shown.
  • One character is said and shown to have a foot fetish.
  • A group of teens are shown going to an strip club before they enter a logo shows an topless woman.
  • A boy drinks beer with an girls feet he starts sucking on her toes.
  • Women dance seductively in a bar while a bunch of male spectators watch.
  • Some sexual references.

Violence & Gore

  • A person is shot in the head at point blank range. Blood is splattered on the face of a person standing close by. This person is then shot in the shoulder, lots of blood.
  • A person is shot in the hand, and we see the hole through his hand on occasions. There is a short shootout which ends when a man is doused in alcohol and then set on fire. He screams in pain but continues to shoot as he burns.
  • A man rapes and kills a hostage in a motel bedroom. This happens offscreen but there are some split-second shots of the victim and the blood-covered room.
  • A man is beaten up and later complains about a broken finger and a broken nose.
  • Not very disturbing as it is very unrealistic
  • Violent and gory, but not the most violent or the goriest.
  • Most of the time the film chooses to not show the gory parts and just splat blood.
  • The violence is mostly cheesy and unrealistic: tons of vampires exploding and heads spewing body fluids and collapsing.
  • Countless vampires are staked, shot, impaled, beaten up, blown up, set on fire, and ripped apart with blood splattering everywhere.
  • Holy water is thrown at the vampires, and it melts them and causes their organs to spill out.
  • Most vampires that are killed subsequently burst into flames and melt into a puddle of gore.
  • A table is overturned and four vampires are impaled on the legs.
  • In a (slightly) more realistic scene, a boy is being devoured alive by vampires, they tear at bits of his flesh while he begs for a mercy kill, which someone tearfully complies with.
  • A man impales a vampire in the stomach with a shotgun and shoots other vampires through the hole, using the open wound to pump the gun before each shot.


  • Use of profanity throughout.
  • extreme very frequent strong language, no less than 105 uses of the f bomb, a lot of it is use in anger and a lot of uses of the s word. Other, more mild obscenities are also present.

Alcohol, Drugs & Smoking

  • A man is seen smoking a cigar for roughly 10 minutes of the film.
  • A fair amount of drinking, but not much else.

Frightening & Intense Scenes

  • Despite being gory and violent, this movie doesn't take itself too seriously.
  • A man is seen on fire and shooting for some seconds before he presumably dies in an explosion.
  • Other parts could also be intense (perhaps). But the overall movie is more crime thriller than horror, and it's actually one of Tarantino's softer stories.


The Parents Guide items below may give away important plot points.

Violence & Gore

  • In one scene in this film, Richie is stabbed in his hand with a knife by Razor. Richie stabs Razor multiple times. He then gets bitten by Santanico Pandemonium. Later, Seth stabbed Richie and he melts.
  • Some use of gun violence at the liquor store where Peter Bottoms served and a load at the Mexican bar they called "The Titty Twister" Inc when both Jacob and Scott was bitten by vamps and had to be killed off as when Richie Gecko also one use of a punch by Seth Gecko at dawn in Carlos nose.
  • A lot of vampire related violence.

See also

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