Canevim (TV Series 2019) Poster


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poor screenplay and irritating ending ...
pocsatishsk26 July 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Omer loves ceylan sincerly and so does ceylan .. But ceylan has too much pride and vanity and does not fully trust omer ... her pride, vanity and lack of trust led her to commit lot of mistakes even when omer and others tries so hard to make her believe the mistakes she does but still she does more mistakes and she ends in hell and loves a man who creates her all problem... In a way she deserves it ...

Omer realises his effort to help ceylan realise her mistake is in vain and when she fall in love for the wrong man his heart completly broken he gives up his hope in his love , but makes ceylan realise her mistake . And leaves Even in the end when realising all the mistakes her pride does not allow her to apologize to omer whose heart she broke into pieces..

i hate the character ceylan so much .... and loved the character omer so much

as omer says to ceylan :"you doesnt deserve me ..." its true ceylan doesnt deserve omer.

Thus a tragic ending and messy screenplay..

the writers should have given some positive to the character of ceylan like she realising her mistakes and somehow both ceylan and omer ending together . Also she throwing omer out of heart and falling in love with the most despicable man should have avoided , Instead they should have shown that she believes the tricks of tailan and falls for it and marries him but still loves omer little bit and when realising her mistake evetually both ceylan and omer end together would been better...

maybe the writers would have thought that its what most series does and lets give a new ending and ruined the entire series.....
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Really bad
marionkarav18 June 2020
What a great disappointment! Such a waste of time! The plot is messy, almost irritating with the worst ending ever.
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Less than a star
lyly_na13 July 2020
Don't waste your time with this drama it's really bad. I'd give it less than a star if I could.
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Worst Turkish Drama ever!!!
jcarlosrosario16 January 2022
I will give less than a star if I can but unfortunately the system does not allow to. Complete waste of time!! Really horrible plot since the beginning. Awful, Awful production.
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Waste of time, money and good actors!
123memeandme4 December 2022
Really, I do not understand how the actors could agree to play in such a disastrous series! I know, that they canceled it and had to rush to get some kind of ending but what the duck was that?!? Not only is the character of Ceylan the most unlikeable FL in the history of turkish dramas, the writers also made her into a brainless, walking zombie, that can not count to three. ML and FL deserve each other - he is a psycho and should get help for his metal problems asap....she is, well, she is.... I do not even know, what is wrong with her.... I was actually happy, that Omer got away from her and has the chance to find a really good woman! I was really very happy!

There is only one positive aspect about this series: it assured a workplace and payment for the crew that worked on set.
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Unrealistic Soap opera
zoghali17 August 2022
The only reason I give it 5 star is because of actors and actresses. They did their job greatly but the story was really bad. It's like 1980s unrealistic soap operas. Very unrealistic and fake. So much lies and Deceive. It doesn't make sense.
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fwbard11 August 2021
Complete waste of time. Even makes you angry as the show goes and the ending makes you explode.
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