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i scored one point and then the enemies just didnt hit the ball again, it kept falling on their side and i got all 10 points from them not hidding it

Yeah depending on enemy composition the AI can get quite dumb X)
Tournament mode fixes that with statistically progressively better AIs!

game blackscreens if you try to switch characters after first training game

seems old team holds a grudge against the new member and pulls the plug on your entire carrier


J'ai adoré, par contre c'est horrible j'ai perdu en final c'est très frustrant... Mais c'était vraiment épique c'est génial, au début c'est un peu compliqué à prendre en main puis ça vient tout seul


J'ai pas mis les contrôles les plus intuitifs :p


Double Magnum Opus ... SCORE!!!


Great fun chaotic game with a surprising amount of depth. Addictive due to the satisfying learning curve.

I hope many people discover the joy of violently launching balls.

I did find a glitch though. If you play or watch a game in tournament mode and press 'esc' while on the winning screen, neither team will progress. This can also happen to the player team, as I found out.


'Gaffe squad' is underrated and surprisingly well balanced. Instead of violently launching the ball, they take a more gentle approach.

Tips for using the Gaffe squad:

Slippery Pete: The Apprentice
- Time well to hit the ball when serving.
- Co-oridnate with Fran to hit the ball higher.
- Sometimes, you will need to move him back (or forward) well in advance to hit the ball.
- Make sure to hit the ball well because you may not get a second chance due to his speed.
- If the ball is moving fast, you need to be a psychic to hit it with him.
- You will need to practice to maximize his potential.

WobbleBob: The Generalist
- For Defense, just let him stay in place. This allows you to focus more on Pete and Fran, plus Bob can hold the ball so that one of the other two can hit it.
- For Offense, activate him while the ball is in the opponent's field to cause chaos in their formation (preventing movement) or intercept the ball (forcing a weak hit instead of a stronger and more unpredictable hit) This is only recommended as a last-ditch attempt since it drastically reduces your defense and usually gets him expelled.
- He can jump on top of the wall which can allow for interception of the ball or breaking tower stalemates.
- Co-ordinate with Fran to bolster your frontline defense.

Fumble Fran: The MVP
- Block the ball, timing well to make sure not to hit the ball back to your side (and make Pete do more work).
- She can prevent overconfident opponents from returning to their side of the field while providing frontline defense.
- She's surprisingly fast and can defend the backlines if the ball is high enough, but doing so will heavily compromise your frontline defense.
- You can bounce the ball up by tapping her key while she is under the ball, which can buy you a few seconds to refocus.
- She can pretty much solo weaker teams.

- The area between Pete and Bob. Pete cannot jump far enough in one jump, requiring two jumps which leaves the area behind him vulnerable. Bob usually moves too far too fast. You can pull in Fran from the front but the ball needs to either be high enough for this to work.
- Enemy teams with good defensive capabilities. This means Pete needs to hit the ball more, and that usually doesn't end well.
- Enemy teams that can hit the ball very high or fast. This makes it harder for Pete to hit the ball.
- 'Sugar Rush!'. It's a mirror matchup, except 'Gaffe squad' has neither 'Sugar' nor 'Rush!'. I think the 'Gaffe squad' does so poorly against them because they are the diet version. That or they have diabetes.

It is very difficult, but possible to win against 'Sugar Rush!' and other difficult teams which you will usually encounter in the tournament.

After many attempts, I can safely say that it is indeed possible to win the game with the 'Gaffe squad'.


Wow, congratulations on that amazing underdog victory :o


I was so curious while watching videos about the gameplay, this is a masterpiece which I hope many will enjoy, there's a learning curve but nothing like dominating your opponent when you've mastered the art of launching the ball violently :3


Glad you liked it :) What's your best team composition? :o


I rekt my enemies with dual clubs in the back with lowest spd and jump, and with a trusty defending front tower >:D


very good team!