Fall 2022: news and updates

Workshop in Denmark

On September 13th and 14th I had the pleasure to be the speaker at DAPUG workshop in Denmark. Topics included my open source libraries MARS (REST library) and FMXER (FMX visual framework). I’ve been happy to had a chance to share some time with other developers from different countries (including Denmark, Finland and UK) and I enjoyed much.

Work hard, play hard

My wife and my daughter came with me to spend a few days in Denmark before the event and we had a good time there. We really need to thank Jens Fudge and his family for the kind hospitality and good company. We loved sharing some time together with Jens, Heidi and Jessica, hanging around and practicing a bit of archery with the best master! We also visited Legoland (Billund) and Copenhagen. Overall they have been amazing days.

(Thanks Jens for the pictures!)

Coming up

There are a few public events I’ll take part to in the next few weeks:

  1. September, 30th, Online
    OSItalia Webinar: “Parallel programming (client side)”, in Italian [Link]
  2. October, 6th, Online
    OSItalia Webinar: “Mobile development in Delphi”, in Italian [Link]
  3. November, 3rd-4th, Rome (IT)
    ITDevCon: “FMXER meets Skia4Delphi” and “Delphi as a modern language” sessions, in English [Link]
  4. November, 7th-8th, Dusseldorf (DE)
    EKON26: “FMXER meets Skia4Delphi” session, in English [Link]

I am looking forward to meet you there (online or in person)!

These months I am working as consultant (as usual) with many different customers, playing different roles: developer, analyst and trainer. Generally speaking, I am glad to see a general trend to bring back pre-pandemic habits like live conferences and in person meetings and trainings even though it’s still easy to say we are living crazy times for all the rest it’s happening in the world.


One thought on “Fall 2022: news and updates

  1. Jens Fudge says:

    It was great seeing you again Andrea, and I am looking forward to seeing you again in November in Düsseldorf for EKON26.
    And Federica should really start archery at a club, she has flair for it.

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