How Broadcasters Will Adopt to Working from Anywhere Post-Pandemic

Survey finds widespread adoption of working offsite that looks to continue post COVID-19.


What were the top factors to consider when deploying remote workstations to enable remote work? Will remote workflows will remain post-COVID?

We conducted a survey with TV Tech to examine remote workflow adoption and usage patterns among television broadcasters and other media organizations, and compiled the results into this report.

What you'll learn:

  • top reasons for continuing remote workflows post-pandemic

  • what broadcast functions are currently conducted remotely


Remote Media Workflows


Remote Broadcast

By the Numbers


of broadcast and cable TV respondents have adopted remote workflows due to the pandemic


of video editorial work could be completed remotely


of respondents chose improving job satisfaction as a top reason for continuing remote workflows post-pandemic

Download the report and learn:

  • Top reasons for adopting remote desktops

  • How the cloud enables adoption of broadcasters working from anywhere

  • Common tasks and job roles that organizations currently have deployed remotely


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