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The largest Sudanese communities (whether from North or South Sudan, as there are no websites or other sources that distinguish the two groups yet regarding to his demographics in United States) in the 2000 census were [[New York City]], [[Detroit]], [[Des Moines]], [[Alexandria, Virginia]] in the [[Washington DC]] metropolitan area, [[Los Angeles]] and [[San Diego]]. Sudanese Americans communities also are found in others cities such as [[Greensboro, NC]], [[Dallas, TX]], [[Flint, MI]], [[Washington Metropolitan Area]] and many other cities.
However, and although in these places may have North or South Sudan communities, we know that, since 2006, many South Sudanese people live in Omaha (Nebraska)<ref name="Omaha"/> and in [[Anchorage, Alaska]].<ref name="learnuer">[ Why Sudanese-American Children Are Learning Their Parents’ Language]. Posted by The World ⋅ May 23, 2011. Retrieved September 2, 2:26 pm.</ref> Sudanese or South Sudanese Americans came to America due political disagreements, others come for educational and vocation opportunities or for family reunification.
The most of South Sudanese Americans are Christians. Particularly, most of the people of South Sudan in the United States are Christian, as are the most people of his country, being mostly [[Episcopal Church (United States)|Episcopalians]], some are Roman Catholic.<ref name="Enchicudne"/> Many South Sudanese tribes also live in the United States. Thus, in [[Omaha, Nebraska]] live about 8,500 South Sudanese in 10 tribes.<ref name="Omaha"/> However, when the economy fell in Nebraska, many South Sudanese from there migrated to other places such as [[Anchorage, Alaska]], where created a South Sudanese school that teaches the Nuer language their students, so that this South Sudanese language is not lost, although many South Sudanese Americans only speak English.<ref name="learnuer"/>