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Although the Fijians began to emigrate to United States, as a minimum, since 1954 (if not before), when three people of this origin arrived to country, was since 1959 when began to come small Fijian groups to United States more significantly: In this year arrived 71 people of this origin. More late, during the 1960s, a record 368 Fijians were admitted in 1968.
In the 1970s, Fijian migration ranged from 132 admissions in 1976 to 1,000 in 1979. Also Fijian migration jumped during the 1980s, when admission ranged from 712 people in 1983 to 1,205 in 1987. In the next decade, a record 1,847 Fijians immigrated to the United States in 1996. During 1997, admission was granted to 1,549 Fijians. <ref name='everyculpaciam'>{{cite news | first = Liz | last = Swain |url =| title = Everyculture. A Countries and Their Cultures: Pacific Islander Americans | date = 2010| accessdate = July 3, 2015}}</ref>