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Men of Honor

From Wikiquote

Men of Honor (also released as Men of Honour) is a 2000 drama film about the first African American, then also the first amputee, US Navy Diver and the man who trained him.

Directed by George Tillman, Jr.. Written by Scott Marshall Smith.
History is made by those who break the rules. (tagline)

Leslie William 'Billy' Sunday

  • [to the new diver school trainees] The men you are watching are going to be Navy divers. You bottom-suckers are not fit to observe them. Avert your eyes!! [trainees look forward] My name is Master Chief Billy Sunday. There was a preacher by the same name who cleaned up Chicago of all the whoring spics, drunken wops, and motherfucking niggers that was making that place unfit for decent white folks to live. The only difference between me and that old preacher is that he worked for God, and I AM GOD!
  • The Navy Diver is not a fighting man, he is a salvage expert. If it is lost underwater, he finds it. If it's sunk, he brings it up. If it's in the way, he moves it. If he's lucky, he will die young, 200 feet beneath the waves, for that is the closest he'll ever get to being a hero. Hell, I don't know why anybody'd want to be a Navy diver.
  • You see this pipe? General MacArthur himself smoked this pipe. I served with him in Leyte Gulf. Biggest naval battle in history. Kamikaze ripped into this escort carrier, name of Saint Lo. She went down on a shallow reef, trapping me and six boys in the fire room. Only one way out. (Carl Brashear: Flood the compartment and swim up.) Five decks, cookie. Five fuckin' decks. Locked bulkheads, dead bodies everywhere. You got to have your balls screwed on tight for that swim. We still had intercom. Old MacArthur himself came over that squawk box, "Sunday, you cocky son of a bitch, I bet you can't hold your breath for four minutes and swim out of there." Know what I said back ? "No, Mac, I can't, but I'll bet you your cob pipe I can hold it for five, 'cause that's what it's gonna take, motherfucker."
  • You were right, Chief. You and I have nothing in common. I may be some dirt dumb nigger from Podunk, but at least I'm making something of myself. You, you're the same hateful, little man you started out as. Without diving, you're nothing but a lost, broke-down son of a bitch who used to be something.


[At the Navy Diver School gate, Carl Brashear is not intimidated by Chief Sunday offering him a drink and a trip home]
Carl Brashear: Sir, I am a Navy man. Where I come from, there are no oceans. Only dirt farms and ornery mules. And no self-respecting Navy man makes a living driving mules... sir
Billy Sunday: [lights up pipe] You know what the Chinese say, cookie? Beware what you wish for. [to gate guards] Let him in.

Carl Brashear: Permission to relieve the man below, Master Chief.
Billy Sunday: What are you, cookie, some kind of goddamn hero? I got no room in my class for heroes or stutterin' swim champs with a wife and kids to worry about, do you read me?
Carl Brashear: If you wanna flunk me, flunk me, but don't punish him for being decent to me.
Billy Sunday: I don't have to flunk you. You're gonna do that all on your own.

Jo: Why do you want this so bad?
Carl Brashear: Because they said I couldn't have it.

[Sunday calls out Brashear at a bar for having the guts to bond with his fellow trainees]
Billy Sunday: Think you deserve to be here, don't ya? Fraternizing among navy men? Think you're as good as they are? How 'bout me, cookie? You better than me?
Carl Brashear: You're damn right I am!

[Sunday looks at a picture of Brashear's father]
Billy Sunday: What the hell did he ever say to make you try so hard?
Carl Brashear: Be the best.
Billy Sunday:...Well, you are.

[Diver School CO Mr Pappy summons Chief Sunday]
Mr. Pappy: Did you know that ordinary house dust is composed primarily of human skin?
Billy Sunday: No sir, I didn't know that.
Mr. Pappy: Makes you think twice about who you invite into your home. [sniffs] Two tablespoons of machine oil can contaminate an entire ship's fresh water supply. Some things just don't mix. Do they, Chief?
Sunday: He's gonna pass. Yesterday, he scored a 94 on his final. Sir, he don't have to be that fast tomorrow. All he's got to do is complete the exercise.
Mr. Pappy: Billy... there may come a day when a colored diver graduates from this school, but it won't be tomorrow or as long as I'm here. You agree with me, of course. Don't you, Chief?
Sunday: Yes, sir.

[At his reinstatement hearing, Chief Brashear is moved by the presence of his wife and son]
Carl Brashear: Captain Hanks, I have spent most of my life in the Navy trying only to succeed. However, my quest has come at a great personal loss to those who love me. They too have made sacrifices. They too have endured great pains to support me. If I walk these twelve steps today, reinstate me to active duty. Give me my career back, let me finish it and go home in peace.
Captain Hanks: The business of the modern Navy -
Brashear: Forgive me sir, but to me, the Navy isn't a business. It's an organization of people who represent the finest aspects of our nation. We have many traditions. In my career, I have encountered most of them. Some are good, some not so good. I would, however not be here today were it not for our greatest tradition of all.
Hanks: And which one is that?
Brashear: Honor, sir.

[During a live demonstration of Brashear's fitness, Captain Hanks sees him sagging]
Captain Hanks: Navy diver, you will stand down.
Billy Sunday: Diver, you will disregard, this is my detail! [Hanks signals the other admirals, but they quiet him down] Goddammit Cookie, move your ass, I want my TWELVE! [counts as Brasher makes his steps] Nine, a Navy Diver is not a fighting man, he is a salvage expert. Ten, if it is lost underwater, he finds it. If it's sunk, he brings it up. If it's in the way, he moves it. Eleven, If he's lucky, he will die young, 200 feet beneath the waves, for that is the closest he will ever get to being a hero. Hell, I don't know why anybody'd want to be a Navy diver, now you report to this line, Cookie! [Brashear finally makes it] At ease. [sailors help him sit down] Tenders, unhat that diver. [sailors remove his helmet]


  • History is made by those who break the rules.


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