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GitHub Advanced Security customers using secret scanning can now use the REST API to enable or disable support for non-provider patterns at the enterprise level. This enables you to manage your enterprise settings programatically.

The following endpoints have been updated:
Get code security and analysis features for an enterprise: check if non-provider patterns are enabled for the enterprise
Update code security and analysis features for an enterprise: enable or disable non-provider patterns for all new repositories in an enterprise
Enable or disable a security feature: enable or disable non-provider patterns for all existing repositories in an enterprise

Non-provider patterns scans for token types from generic providers, like private keys, auth headers, and connection strings.

Learn more about secret scanning and non-provider patterns.

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To help you triage and remediate secret leaks more effectively, GitHub secret scanning now indicates if a secret detected in your repository has also leaked publicly with a public leak label on the alert. The alert also indicates if the secret was exposed in other repositories across your organization or enterprise with a multi-repo label.

These labels provide additional understanding into the distribution of an exposed secret, while also making it easier to assess an alert’s risk and urgency. For example, a secret which has a known associated exposure in a public location has a higher likelihood of exploitation. Detection of public leaks is only currently supported for provider-based patterns.

The multi-repo label makes it easier to de-duplicate alerts and is supported for all secret types, including custom patterns. Both indicators apply only for newly created alerts.

In the future, GitHub will surface locations of the known public leak, as well as repository names with duplicate alerts. This metadata will also be surfaced via the REST API and webhooks.

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Learn more about how to secure your repositories with secret scanning. Let us know what you think by participating in a GitHub community discussion or signing up for a 60 minute feedback session.

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GitHub Advanced Security customers that have enabled delegated bypass rules for push protection can now manage and review their bypass requests at the organization level. The list is located within the Security tab of your organization.

To view and manage requests from this list, you must either be an organization owner, security manager, or have the fine-grained permission to review and manage push protection bypass requests within your organization.

Learn more about secret scanning or delegated bypass. If you have feedback, we would love for you to join the discussion within GitHub Community.

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You can now use Copilot Chat in to search across GitHub to find and learn more about GitHub Advanced Security Alerts from code scanning, secret scanning, and Dependabot. This change helps you to better understand and seamlessly fix security alerts in your pull request. ✨

Try it yourself by asking questions like:
– How would I fix this alert?
– How many alerts do I have on this PR?
– What class is this code scanning alert referencing?
– What library is affected by this Dependabot alert?
– What security alerts do I have in this repository?

Learn more about asking questions in Copilot Chat on or about GitHub Advanced Security.

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For Unkey users, GitHub secret scanning now scans for Unkey tokens to help secure your public repositories. Unkey’s Root API Key enables users to create and manage Unkey resources including APIs, API keys, global rate limiting, and access controls. GitHub will forward any exposed tokens found in public repositories to Unkey, who will then revoke the compromised tokens and notify the affected users. Read more information about Unkey tokens.

GitHub secret scanning protects users by searching repositories for known types of secrets such as tokens and private keys. By identifying and flagging these secrets, our scans help prevent data leaks and fraud.

GitHub Advanced Security customers can also scan for and block Unkey tokens in their private repositories.

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You can now grant fine-grained permissions to review and manage push protection bypass requests within your organization.

Anyone with this permission will have the ability to approve and manage the list of bypass requests. You can still also grant these permissions by adding roles or teams to the “Bypass list” in your code security and analysis settings.

Next month, GitHub will be removing custom role support from the bypass list along with this change. To avoid disruption, existing custom roles that were added as bypass reviewers previously will be granted the fine grained permissions to review and manage bypass requests.

Delegated bypasses for secret scanning push protection allow organizations and repositories to control who can push commits that contain secrets. Developers can request approval from authorized users to push a blocked secret.

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Learn more about how to secure your repositories with secret scanning. Let us know what you think by participating in the dedicated GitHub community discussion or signing up for a 60 minute feedback session.

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Push protection bypass requests will now show file path and branch information for the secret. This improvement helps you more effectively triage any secrets for which you’ve requested push protection bypasses. Branch information is only available for pushes to single branches.

Delegated bypasses for secret scanning push protection allow organizations and repositories to control who can push commits that contain secrets. Developers can request approval from authorized users to push a blocked secret.

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Learn more about how to secure your repositories with secret scanning. Let us know what you think by participating in the dedicated GitHub community discussion or signing up for a 60 minute feedback session.

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Now, secret scanning non-provider patterns are included in the GitHub-recommended security configuration. Non-provider patterns have also been automatically enabled for any repositories with the recommended configuration previously attached.

Secret scanning non-provider patterns are generic detectors which help you uncover secrets outside of patterns tied to specific token issuers, like HTTP authentication headers, connection strings, and private keys.

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Learn more about how to secure your repositories with secret scanning. Let us know what you think by participating in a GitHub community discussion or signing up for a 60 minute feedback session.

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To help you triage and remediate secret leaks more effectively, GitHub secret scanning now dededuplicates non-provider patterns (generic patterns) against provider patterns.

Secret scanning non-provider patterns are generic detectors that help you uncover secrets outside of patterns tied to specific token issuers, like HTTP authentication headers, connection strings, and private keys.

Note: Custom patterns are not deduplicated, as removing a custom pattern will also delete those alerts. We recommend adjusting your custom patterns to avoid overlap with any GitHub-defined detectors.

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Learn more about how to secure your repositories with secret scanning. Let us know what you think by participating in a GitHub community discussion or signing up for a 60 minute feedback session.

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You can now enable non-provider patterns (generic patterns) through security configurations at the organization level.

Non-provider patterns will also be included in the GitHub-recommended security configuration on August 23, 2024. At that time, non-provider patterns will be automatically enabled for any repositories with the recommended configuration attached.

Learn more about how to secure your repositories with secret scanning.

Let us know what you think by participating in a GitHub community discussion or signing up for a 60 minute feedback session.

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For Anthropic users, GitHub secret scanning now scans for Anthropic tokens to help secure your public repositories. Anthropic tokens enable users to access Claude through the Anthropic API. GitHub will forward any exposed tokens found in public repositories to Anthropic, who will then revoke the compromised tokens and notify the affected users. Read more information about Anthropic tokens.

GitHub secret scanning protects users by searching repositories for known types of secrets such as tokens and private keys. By identifying and flagging these secrets, our scans help prevent data leaks and fraud.

GitHub Advanced Security customers can also scan for and block Anthropic tokens in their private repositories.

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GitHub secret scanning now detects and alerts you on secrets found in GitHub issues, wikis, discussions, and pull requests.

Secrets, like API keys, passwords, and tokens, can hide in many places. Throughout 2024, we’ve discovered over 100k unique secrets hiding in mediums outside of code. If these leaks aren’t managed correctly, each one of them could pose a substantial risk.

To help protect you from leaked secrets – anywhere within your GitHub perimeter – GitHub provides visibility across all major surfaces. We scan these surfaces for over 200+ token formats and work with relevant partners to help protect you from publicly leaked secrets. GitHub also supports generic patterns like RSA private keys and Copilot-detected passwords.

Learn more about how to secure your repositories with secret scanning.

Let us know what you think by participating in a GitHub community discussion or signing up for a 60 minute feedback session.

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Starting in April 2024, GitHub Advanced Security customers using secret scanning have been able to specify which teams or roles have the ability to bypass push protection using a delegated bypass list.

Administrators can now add the maintainer role to this list.

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Push protection blocks you from pushing secrets to a repository and generates an alert whenever you bypass the block.

Push protection is now supported for the following REST API endpoints:
* Create a blob
* Create or update file contents

If the content of a PUT request to these endpoints includes a secret, the API will respond with a 409 error and provide a link for bypassing push protection, along with a placeholder_id.

There is also a new API endpoint to bypass push protection programatically, Create a push protection bypass. You or your application can use the placeholder_id from your push protection block in your call to this endpoint.

You need to be the individual or application that initially got blocked to be able to bypass the block successfully.

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Secret scanning is now performing a backfill to detect historically existing secrets in GitHub wikis. For repositories with secret scanning enabled, you may notice newly created alerts for these exposed secrets.

Learn how to secure your repositories with secret scanning or sign up for a 60 minute feedback session on secret scanning and be compensated for your time.

You are also welcome to join the discussion and share your feedback on our dedicated Github community.

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