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repositories Search Results · topic:vulkan org:KhronosGroup fork:true

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14 results

inKhronosGroup (press backspace or delete to remove)

One stop solution for all Vulkan samples
  • C++
  • 4.2k
  • Updated
    6 hours ago

Open-Source Vulkan C++ API
  • C++
  • 3.1k
  • Updated
    2 days ago

One stop shop for getting started with the Vulkan API
  • Makefile
  • 1.9k
  • Updated
    2 days ago

Vulkan header files and API registry
  • C++
  • 832
  • Updated
    10 days ago

Vulkan Validation Layers (VVL)
  • C++
  • 750
  • Updated
    5 hours ago

Khronos Vulkan, OpenGL, and OpenGL ES Conformance Tests
  • C++
  • 521
  • Updated
    2 days ago

Vulkan Loader
  • C
  • 505
  • Updated
    2 days ago

Vulkan Development Tools
  • C++
  • 362
  • Updated
    10 days ago

Layer providing Vulkan features when native support is unavailable
  • C
  • 128
  • Updated
    3 days ago

Vulkan Profiles Tools
  • C++
  • 115
  • Updated
    10 days ago
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