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example_api [-h] modelInfoFile fingerPrintImage


If example_api is able to parse both an NFIQ 2 model and fingerprint image, the expected output will be a list of native quality measures generated from the fingerprint image. These are the same native quality measures that can be obtained from the NFIQ 2 CLI CSV output.

Each native quality measure will be printed with its respective header. Each native quality measure will be printed on a separate line.

The first value that printed is the unified quality score and it will appear as:

"UnifiedQualityScore: [value]"

The next series of values will be from actionable feedback. This includes "EmptyImageOrContrastTooLow: [value]" to "SufficientFingerprintForeground: [value]".

The final series of values will be native quality measures. These are the values generated by the individual native quality measures that comprise the NFIQ 2 unified quality score. This includes "FDA_Bin10_0: [value]" to "RVUP_Bin10_StdDev: [value]".


Expected output files are located in the "output" directory. To ensure that scores generated by the sample API are consistent with the expected output, you can perform a diff on the two outputs.

$ diff SFinGe_Test_0X_output.txt Your_SFinGe_Test_0X_output.txt

If the resulting output is empty, then the generated scores are identical.


The fingerprint images included in the images subdirectory are synthetic images generated by SFiNGe[1] .

[1] Cappelli, R., Maio, D., and Maltoni, D. SFinGe: An Approach to Synthetic Fingerprint Generation, International Workshop on Biometric Technologies, 2004. (Demo software available at ).