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Nogrod stirzocular

A depiction of Nogrod

Nogrod was one of two Dwarven cities in the Blue Mountains. It lay in the middle of the range, near Mount Dolmed where the Dwarf-road of Beleriand crossed into Eriador.[1]

Nogrod was home to the great Dwarven smiths Gamil Zirak and Telchar.[3]


The realm of Nogrod was dolven and founded not long after the awakening of the Dwarves.[2] They soon met the Elves of Beleriand and established a trading relationship with them. For many centuries, the trade relations grew strong and the Dwarves of Nogrod were employed by Thingol, the King of Doriath and helped in the delving of the caves of Menegroth, and creation of treasuries and weapons. The Dwarves trafficked along a long road that ran from the nearby dwarven city of Belegost to Nogrod into Beleriand, and finally to Menegroth.[4]

Eöl "the Dark Elf" often went there, as did his son Maeglin.

While initially friendly to the Elves of Beleriand, the Dwarves of Nogrod attempted to kill Thingol of Doriath in his treasury, after having crafted the treasure Nauglamír for him (leaving him for dead) but were driven out. Thingol would later be killed during a wolf hunt, after treacherous Elves helped returning Dwarves enter past the Girdle of Melian[5] More then entered to sack the city after the departure of Melian and her protective Girdle of Melian.[6] On their way back from Doriath, they were hunted down by Beren Erchamion and killed by his army of Laiquendi and a group of Ents. Despite that utter defeat, Nogrod apparently survived the rest of the First Age.[7]

At the end of the First Age, Nogrod was ruined in the War of Wrath, and around the fortieth year of the Second Age the Dwarves of the Blue Mountains began to migrate to Khazad-dûm, abandoning Nogrod and Belegost.[8][9]


The Firebeards and the Broadbeams were the two Dwarf-clans associated with the Blue Mountains in "Of Dwarves and Men" (from volume XII of The History of Middle-earth). Nogrod, then, was presumably founded by one of these two, and the rather scanty evidence marginally favours the Firebeards as its inhabitants.


Nogrod was a Sindarin word that meant 'hollow-bold'. Its name in Khuzdûl was Tumunzahar, of unknown meaning.[10]

In other versions[]

In earlier versions of the Legendarium, Nogrod was at one point ruled by Naugladur.[11]


Foreign Language Translated name
Amharic ኖጎድ
Arabic نوجرود
Armenian Նոգրոդ
Belarusian Cyrillic Ногрода
Bengali ণগ্রদ
Bulgarian Cyrillic Ногрод (Nogrod) Тумунзахар (Tumunzahar)
Chinese 諾格羅德
Danish Nogrod (Hulebol)
Georgian ნოგროდი
Greek Νογροδ
Gujarati નોગરોડ
Hebrew נוגרוד
Japanese ノグロド
Kannada ನೊಗ್ರೋಡ್
Kazakh Ногрод (Cyrillic) Nogrod (Latin)
Korean 노그롱드
Kyrgyz Cyrillic Ногрод
Macedonian Cyrillic Ногрод
Marathi नोग्रोड
Mongolian Cyrillic Ногрод
Nepalese नोग्रोड
Persian نوگرود
Punjabi ਨੋਗਰੋਡ
Russian Ногрод
Serbian Ногрод (Cyrillic) Nogrod (Latin)
Sinhalese නෝග්රොඩ්
Tajik Cyrillic Ногрод
Tamil நோகிரோட
Tatar Ногрод
Telugu నొగ్రోడ్
Thai โนกร็อด
Ukrainian Cyrillic Ноґрод
Urdu نوگرود
Uzbek Ногрод (Cyrillic) Nogrod (Latin)
Yiddish נאָגראָד
Dwarven realms of Middle-earth throughout the Ages
Years of the Trees and First Age Amon Rûdh | Belegost | Khazad-dûm | Mount Gundabad | Nogrod | Narukuthûn | Blue Mountains
Second Age Khazad-dûm | Belegost | Nogrod | Mount Gundabad | Blue Mountains | Iron Hills
Third Age Grey Mountains | Iron Hills | Khazad-dûm | Lonely Mountain | Blue Mountains | Dunland
Fourth Age Glittering Caves | Khazad-dûm | Lonely Mountain | Blue Mountains | Iron Hills

