Memory Alpha
MONDE RÉEL: Littérature trekkienne
(Œuvres apocryphes / non-canons)

"The Classic Trek Crew Book"' est une version révisée de l'ouvrage "The Trek Crew Book", également écrit par James Van Hise, et enrichie notamment par des interviews des acteurs de la Nouvelle Génération sur la série classique.


4ème de couverture
  • Revealing Profiles of Each Character!
  • Exclusive Biographies of the Actors!
  • Rare Never-Before-Published Photos!
  • Intimate Interviews with the Stars!
This completely revised and updated book packed with new information reveals how Shatner, Nimoy, Kelley, Nichols, Doohan, Takei, Koenig and Barrett-Roddenberry reacted to the death of Star Trek creator Gene Roddenberry, how they view The Next Generation and Deep Space Nine and what they see as their future with Star Trek and in their own life outside of the starship Enterprise. To many fans, Star Trek will always mean Captain Kirk and Mr. Spock. This book is both for them and fans of the new series who want to learn where it all started.
James Van Hise has held a life-long fascination with popular entertainment. He has written comic books including The Real Ghostbusters, Fright Night and The Green Hornet. In addition, he is the publisher/editor of the highly acclaimed Midnight Grafitti, which has published stories by Stephen King and Harlan Ellison; and is the author of numerous nonfiction books, including Trek: The Next Generation, Dark Shadows Tribute, and Stephen King & Clive Barker: An Illustrated Guide to the Masters of the Macabre.
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