Memory Alpha
Memory Alpha
Real world article
(written from a production point of view)


The all-new adventure of the Enterprise-D crew continues, with a spotlight on Commander Worf! Worf finds himself in the unfamiliar role of diplomat when he's forced to settle a dispute between Rigelian colonists on a border world, with the fate of the colony hanging in the balance. Can Worf struggle against his own aggressive instincts, or will he do his negotiating with the point of a blade? From the creative team who brought you Klingons: Blood Will Tell, Scott & David Tipton and David Messina.

Excerpts of copyrighted sources are included for review purposes only, without any intention of infringement.


"Captain's log, stardate 45934.7. Having completed our mission to the Daystrom One facility, we're now heading to the Votar VI colony to help resolve a factional dispute among some Rigelian colonists."
This episode or film summary is incompleteThis episode summary has been identified as lacking essential detail, and as such needs attention. Feel free to edit this page to assist with this expansion.
  • Note: Please respect others' copyrights by not copying external material without permission.

Memorable quotes[]

"Maybe there's a 'Worfian' solution to this dilemma."

- Riker, trying to help Worf understand Picard's advice on diplomacy

"Remain here in case Counselor Troi requires assistance. Should either attempt to leave the table, feel free to break his leg."
"Absolutely, commander."

- Worf and Ro, after getting the two sides to negotiate

Background information[]


The incorrect credits for issue #2

  • By its stardate, this issue takes place shortly after the events of the previous issue, "Valued Intelligence", and a few days before the events of "The Inner Light".
  • Elena Casagrande was incorrectly credits as color artist in this issue, rather than the series artist Ilaria Traversi.
  • The issue sold an estimated 7,551 copies in comic specialty stores in February 2008. [1] These figures do not cover copies sold on the direct market (bookstores, etc.).
  • The comic spells the name of the Kalar species as "Kaylar", just as the Star Trek Encyclopedia spelling.



Canon characters listed below are linked to the main article about them. Non-canon characters are not linked, but those that recurred, appearing or being mentioned in more than one story, are defined further in IDW TNG characters.
Jean-Luc Picard
Captain of the USS Enterprise-D.
William T. Riker
First officer aboard the Enterprise-D.
Klingon security officer aboard the Enterprise-D.
Deanna Troi
Half-Betazoid counselor aboard the Enterprise-D.
Ro Laren
Bajoran ensign in security aboard the Enterprise-D.
Beverly Crusher
Doctor aboard the Enterprise-D.
Android second officer aboard the Enterprise-D.
Singh (β)
Security officer aboard the Enterprise-D.
Rodriguez (β)
Security officer aboard the Enterprise-D.
Pahtel (β)
Administrator of the Rigelian faction on Votar VII
Areen (β)
Leader of the Kaylar group occupying the power plant.
Aton (β)
A Kaylar serving under Areen.

External link[]

Previous issue: Series Next issue:
#1: "Valued Intelligence" Star Trek: The Next Generation - Intelligence Gathering #3: "Chasing Shadows"