Memory Alpha
Memory Alpha

A Bolian freighter was a type of freighter utilized by the Bolians during the mid-24th century.

In 2370, a Bolian freighter had to be towed to one of Deep Space 9's lower docking bays. (DS9: "Whispers")

Later the same year, Kira Nerys recalled reading an advisory about how a Maquis ship disabled a Bolian freighter near the DMZ and stole a supply of photon launchers. (DS9: "Tribunal")

Late that year, another Bolian freighter was scheduled to arrive at DS9. (DS9: "The Jem'Hadar")

In 2373, two Bolian freighters carrying several thousand tons of selenium and rhodium nitrite disappeared near the Badlands. The Maquis were believed to be responsible. (DS9: "For the Uniform")
