Memory Alpha
Memory Alpha

Hudak was an Antaran teacher in xenomythology who was doing research on Xantoras when a xenophobic group overthrew the government in early 2153. Along with all other aliens, he was forced to leave the planet as a result. He suffered heavy radiation poisoning when the reactor of the transport he was on ruptured and was brought aboard Enterprise NX-01 for medical attention, together with several other passengers. Although he was dying and Enterprise's medical technology allowed for a full recovery, he refused medical treatment from Phlox, a Denobulan doctor. The Denobulans had fought long wars with the Antarans, who considered the Denobulans to be their enemies.

At first, Captain Archer ordered Phlox to treat Hudak, but Phlox could not treat him without Hudak's consent. Phlox made attempts to convince Hudak, who at first refused to dialogue. He eventually began to reply, asking the Denobulan if he had told his children about how evil the Antarans were. Phlox explained that he was taught to hate the Antarans, but that he taught his own children not to be prejudiced against any species. After hearing Phlox's sentiments, Hudak allowed the doctor to treat him. (ENT: "The Breach")

Background information[]

Hudak was played by Henry Stram.

The name of this individual was originally to have been used for a species; in the final draft script of earlier-produced installment "Dawn", Commander Charles "Trip" Tucker mentioned having encountered "Hudaks" during Enterprise's voyage.

Even at the end of the final draft script of "The Breach", Hudak was described as "still a very conflicted man" with just a "subtle change in [his] attitude."

Phlox actor John Billingsley once referred to Henry Stram's performance in the role of Hudak as "terrific." [1] The costume Stram wore to portray Hudak was sold off on the It's A Wrap! sale and auction on eBay. [2](X)
