Memory Alpha
Memory Alpha

Ion radiation is a form of hazardous radiation associated with ions. It was not naturally produced by dilithium, but could result from the detonation of photon torpedoes. (TNG: "New Ground"; SNW: "The Broken Circle")

In 2259, an accidental photon torpedo explosion in one of the mines on Cajitar IV exposed many inhabitants to ion radiation, including Stell. Doctor Joseph M'Benga and Nurse Christine Chapel, in disguise, treated some of the victims by inducing recombination to repair genetic damage. Their actions caught the attention of the Broken Circle, who impressed them into service to treat similarly afflicted members of the syndicate. (SNW: "The Broken Circle")

When the USS Enterprise-D disrupted a soliton wave using photon torpedoes in 2368, parts of the ship were flooded with ion radiation due to gaps in its damaged shield grid. (TNG: "New Ground")

Ion radiation was one of the sources of interference accounted for by the USS Voyager crew during their hunt for the missile Dreadnought in 2372. (VOY: "Dreadnought")

See also[]
