Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki

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Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki
Alex Dumant

Alex Dumant.

Alex Dumant was a male Human in the 23rd century.

Dumant attended Starfleet Academy with J. Mia Colt and the two were romantically involved, they planned to serve on the same ship together. These plans and their relationship was brought to an end when Colt took a posting on the USS Tiberius under Captain Robert April.

Dumant took a posting on the USS Crazy Horse and was killed on that ship when the Tholians broke the truce at Kakrafoon.

Later when the Talosians held Mia Colt captive they tried to use the memory of her break up with Dumant to tempt her into a life of fantasy with them where the two could live a happily ever after. (EV comic: "Nor Iron Bars a Cage")
