Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki

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Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki

Arneb or Alpha Leporis was a star located in the galaxy's Alpha or Beta Quadrant, visible from Earth in the Lepus constellation.

History and specifics[]

As of the 24th century, in the 2340s decade, this star and its system had yet to be explored by the major states of the galaxy's Alpha and Beta Quadrant. (ST video game: Infinite)

The Arneb system, with a randomly generated makeup, has a chance of occurring outside of player characters' territories in each campaign of ST video game: Infinite.



Stars, systems and objects of the Lepus constellation
13 Leporis/Gamma Leporis/Lorillia • Alpha Leporis (Arneb) • Gamma Leporis/13 Leporis/Lorillia (Lorillia) • Delta Leporis (Brestant) • Zeta Leporis (Xarantine)
Alpha and Beta Quadrant stars and star systems (A)
Aalad • Aarak • Aarra • Abakir • Abalma • Abassa • Abdadi • Abel • Aberriz • Abessia • Aboira • Abraxas • Abrena • Abrora • Abrox • Ab'vek • Abyss Alpha • Accellus • Achillon • Aciben • Adigeon • Adonolo • Adra • Ad'reth • Adrian's Bane • Ad'veth • Aecupus • Aeon • Aerie • Aerimea • Aesa • Aesir • Aesuri • Aetisan • Aexix • Afebra • Aferva • Aflor • Afritalis • Agbar • Agiirrat • Agrico • Ahadi • Ahzdar • Aia'vadi • Ailig • Ain • Ainaro • Aindia • Ain'Tok • Airola • Aiti • Ajora • Akemora • Akers • Akiren • Alabaster • Alacti • Aladfar • Aladso • Alak • Alamedus • Alannah • Alaris • Alastor • Alatum • Alcyone • Alderam • Alderamin • Aldhan • Alela • Aleph • Alera • Alexisian • Aleyda • Alfas Ducat • Alfin-Bernard • Alfirk • Alfor • Alfr • Algerida • Algeron • Alila • Alioth • Alkalurops • Alkuk • Allendon • Almedo • Almeisan • Almekan • Alnath • Alnitak • Alonso • Alorina • Alpha Aldiss • Alpha Arietis • Alpha Ataru • Alpha Baratis • Alpha Coranda • Alpha Darwin • Alpha Demetrius • Alpha Emori • Alpha Epsilon Tauri • Alpha Equulei • Alpha Feronis • Alpha Helios • Alpha Honorus • Alpha Hydros • Alpha Imvori • Alpha Is'tek • Alpha Kiriki • Alpha Kratonii • Alpha Leporis • Alpha Min'roth • Alpha Maluria • Alpha Marak 272 • Alpha Narnia • Alpha Nemvadi • Alpha Nexus • Alpha Nimorra • Alpha Omicron • Alpha Orionis • Alpha Ortelina • Alpha Parnaculon • Alpha Persei • Alpha Quarram • Alpha Sarpeidon • Alpha Shiro • Alpha Sigma • Alpha Tau • Alpha Tel'reth • Alpha Tenori • Alpha Theta • Alpha Trimora • Alpha Varangis • Alpha Vegetis • Alpha Vergoris • Alpha Xaridian • Alphax • Alsafi • Altamid • Altanea • Altanis Idrilon • Altar • Althos • Altor • Aludra • Alula • Alvaradi • Alvarka • Alya • Alycen • Ama Daraan • Amal • Amana • Amboris • Ambrose's Star • Amebis • Amelda • Ami Bera • Ammdon • Amon • Ampok • Ampolis • Amstar • Amvada • An Daraan • Anaxa • Anaxar • Andra • Andrade Abyss • Andrea • Andrek • Androcus • Anelda • Anezira • Anki • Angosia • Annobon • Anrak • Anreta • Antas • Antede • Antiacus • Antide • Antigone • Antilios • Antipathy • Antonehk • Antos Veria • Antros • Anzibar • Aparcha • Aphir'keth • Apnira • Aprilia • Apyra • Aquila Scorpi • Ar Daraan • Arachnae • Arada • Arak • Aralan • Arali • Arara • Arb'sa • Arbutus • Arcadia • Arcan-Beta • Arcanis Majoris • Archernar • Archibald • Ardaji • Ardan • Ardana • Aretian • Argentomea • Argez • Argona • Arhennius • Aria • Ariax • Arianna • Aridanes • Aridia • Arkab • Arken • Arkto • Arloff • Armus • Arnab • Arneb • Arnebius • Arnos • Arori • Aroven • Arrakis • Artaleirh • Artemis • Arvada • Asara • Aseara • Asellus • Ashgrave • Ashira • Asiti Alpha • Asiti Beta • Askalifex's Sorrow • Askalon • Asmidiske • Asneth • Asta Daraan • Astamante • Astarea • Asterope • Astra Bel • Astra Bora • Astra Enda • Astra Fara • Astra Imra • Astra Ina • Astra Jelra • Astra Jora • Astra Kalda • Astra Kol • Astra Lera • Astra Melva • Astra Menta • Astra Nor • Astra Pevra • Astra Rendra • Astra Veldra • Astra Vin • Astra Yara • Astra Yera • Astrida • Atabis • Atalia • Atalis • Atana Daraan • Atarvi • Atlas • Atria • Atrius • Atropira • Atryn • 'aucdet • Augustus Gamma • Aumoide Pore • Auva • Avery • Avan • Avek • Av'tel • AX Arae • Axelot • Axtox • Ayela • Ayin Aleph • Aylus Alpha • Aylus Beta • Ayta • Ayvren • Azati Prime • Azedis • Azentra • Azinda the galaxy's Alpha and Beta Quadrant icon image.
Alpha Quadrant stars and systems (A) Aaamazzara • Abilakk Alpha • Abilakk Beta • Achird • Actrium • Adhil • Adia Alpha • Adia Beta • Aegis Aquila • Ajir • Al Nath • Alam'ak system (Alam'ak) • Albireo • Alcor • Aldhibain • Alferaz (Alferaz A • Alferaz B) • Algol • Algira • Alkaid • Almach • Almatha • Alpha Andromedae (Alpha Andromedae A • Alpha Andromedae B) • Alpha Aquarii • Alpha Aquilae • Alpha Aurigae • Alpha Boötis • Alpha Canum Venaticorum • Alpha Camus • Alpha Coronae Borealis • Alpha Cygni • Alpha Majoris • Alpha Ophiuchi • Alpha Proxima • Alpha Trianguli • Alpha Ursae Majoris • Alpha Zaria • Alpha-1 Andromedae • Alpha-2 Andromedae • Alphecca • Alpheratz • Altair • Amleth • Ancha • Andromeda • Ankaro • Antica • Antos • Anzat Alpha • Anzat Beta • Aokii • Aquila • Arawath • Arbazan • Archaria • Arcturus • Arduria • Argaya • Argus • Arteline • Ascella • Atair • Atik • Aurelia • Avenal the galaxy's Alpha Quadrant icon image.
Beta Quadrant stars and systems (A) Acamar • Achernar • Acrux • Acubens • Adara • Adelphous • Adhafera • Adhara • Aelas • Agena • Agornu • Agurtha • Ajilon • Akaali • Al Nair • Alchibah • Aldebaran • Algorab • Alhena • Alkes • Alnilam • Alpha-2 Centauri • Alpha Cancri • Alpha Canis Minoris • Alpha Canis Majoris (Alpha Canis Majoris A • Alpha Canis Majoris B) • Alpha Carinae • Alpha Centauri (Alpha Centauri A • Alpha Centauri B • Alpha Centauri C) • Alpha Chamaeleonis • Alpha Circini • Alpha Comae Berenices • Alpha Corvi • Alpha Crucis • Alpha Cygni • Alpha Eridani • Alpha Geminorum • Alpha Gruis • Alpha Hydri • Alpha Leonis • Alpha Mensa • Alpha Monocerotis • Alpha Onias • Alpha Phoenicis • Alpha Pictoris • Alpha Prime • Alpha Scorpii • Alpha Virginis • Alpha Volantis • Alpha Zeta • Alphard • Alshemali • Alterf • Alungis • Amar • Amargosa • Amirii • Andoria • Angel • Ankaa • Antares • Archanis • Archer • Argelius • Argelius B • Arided • Avior • Axanar • Azha • Azraga the galaxy's Beta Quadrant icon image.


External links[]
