Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki

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Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki

Bajoran shrimp was a type of animal lifeform, a form of shrimp that was considered edible as food, native to the planet Bajor.

History and specifics[]

In the year 2374, Miles O'Brien ordered two bowls of linguini with Bajoran shrimp at Quark's when he thought he would no longer have to undergo fasting for the Kal'Hyah ritual. (DS9 episode: "You Are Cordially Invited")

Benjamin Sisko once made a Bajoran shrimp stir-fry for Julian Bashir, which the doctor fondly recalled when he and Kasidy Yates were discussing Sisko's cooking in 2376. (DS9 - Avatar novel: Book One)



the planet Bajor
cities and settlements Adarak • Aljuli • Amantha • Ashalla • Batal • Bar'trila • Belmast • Bennikar • Berain City • B'hala • Brintall • Calash • Dahkur City • Davenesh • Dinaaj • Ducoa • Elanda • Forren • Genmyr • Gor'hat • Hathon • Ikreimi • Ilveth • Ilvia • Iwara • Jabelon • Jalanda • Janir • Jinara township • Jo'kala • Johcat • Joradell • J'raal • Karnoth • Karvis • Kenthira • Korto City • Lacroya • Laksie • Lasuma • Lecelon • Lyncar • Maar'saan • Mexal • Moagitty • Musilla • Mylea • Natlar Port • Nivan • Qui'al • Ray'laht • Relliketh • Renassa • Renday • Revek • Revent • Rhakur • Riis • Rimanabod • Sakelo City • Shar Rapha • Shavalla • Shiistir • Sidau • Singha • Sorshaq • Tamulna • Tannatuk Colony • Tempasa • Tessik • Tilar • Tindar • Trishella • Undalar • Vekobet • Vir-Hakar • Yarlin • Yvrig • Yyn Bajoran icon image. the galaxy's Alpha Quadrant icon image.
landmarks and institutions Akorem Laan Museum • Avenue of the Emissary • Bajor University of Science and Art • Bajoran Institute of Science • Bajoran Military Academy • Barodeem • Calash Monastery • Calash retreat • Central Archives • City Oval • Colonel Gorak Mahak Bridge • Crescent Courtyard • Dakeen Monastery • Delisa Gardens • Edar Bridge • Elemspur Detention Facility • The Emissary River House • Fallert's • Fort Tendro • Gardens of Pure Delight • Grand Avenue of Lights • Heavenward Prayer Spaceport • Jalanda Forum • Kenda Shrine • Kiessa Monastery • Liberty Court • Monastery Fortress of Kai-tona • Morova's Kitchen • Nirvat Sanctuary • Palace of the Akorem • Parek Tonn • Paths of the Lost • Qui'al Dam • Retollan Monastery • Shikina Monastery • Surface 92 • Taluno Lawn • Temple of Iponu • Temple of Kilikarri • Temple of the Prophets • Tozhat resettlement center • University of Janir • Vanadwan Monastery • Whispering Hall • Yolja Citadel
provinces and regions Belshakarri Province • Dahkur Province • Dakeen • Ducrain Province • Gerhami Province • Hedrikspool Province • Hill Province • Huvara Province • Janitza Province • Jerad Province • Kendra Province • Lharassa Province • Lonar Province • Lotha Province • Musilla Province • Rakantha Province • Rihjer • Rota Province • Seres Province • Shakarri Province • Tal Province • Tanlos Province • Terah'la • Tozhat Province • Veska Province • Wyntara Mas Province • Zhentu Province
geography Akorem's Rock • Alavanu Green • Angorseer Mountain • Berain Valley • Bestri Woods • B'Hatral Alps • Cliffs of Undalar • Cirran Mountains • Dahkur Hills • Densori's Landing • Deserak Wilderness • Elestan Valley • Fanto's Rip • Fields of Berzel • Fire Caves • Fire Falls of Ushara • Glyrshar Canyon • Glyrshar Mountains • Gnago Island • Graldom Forest • Harka Valley • Ir'Abehr Shield • Janitza Mountains • Kaladrys Valley • Kasella Mountains • Kendra Valley • Kendran Range • Kho'thas Mountains • Lakastor Mountains • Lharassa Foothills • Mennekaren Mountain Range • Mount Ba'lavael •.Mount Kataba • Mount Kola • Mount Turyeil Bajori • Musilla plate • Okana Desert • Bajoran outback • Ovarani Valley • Perikian Mountains • Perikian Peninsula • Ratosha Pass • Rhakur Sea • Releketh Range • Sahving Valley • Scar • Serpent's Ridge • Sorlhev Mountains • South Liran Sea • Swifts • Talveran Forest • Tanis Canyon • Teirysas Beach • Tilar Peninsula • Tilar plate • Tozhar Mountains • Trevin Desert • Trilar Peninsula • Ver'laht • Voria mines • Yadozi Desert • Yolja River Valley
continents and landmasses Bha'hagh • Elemspur • Perikian Peninsula • Terah'la
bodies of water Straits of Bharaq • Borris River • Borvalo Falls • Cold Sea • Dohmahr Ocean • Elestan River • Glyrhond Falls • Glyrhond River • Holana River • Inland Sea • Kimbila Stream • Korvale Ocean • Bay of Lorthe • Lorus River • Sea of Musir • River Taaj • Senha River • Shakiristi River • Sea of Shining Ice • Tecyr River • Teejan River • Tracian Sea • Valor Ocean • Yolja River
flora and fauna alva • ashikhan • asnor fish • aspth • bateret • b'ath rayl • Bajoran cicada • barrowbug • batos • bickett • dakthara • daugu • draka • esani • fabor • grass viper • hara cat • hasva • hiuna leaf • hyurin • indika • jeskla • katterpod • kidu • krelo bear • krutu • kuja fly • kulloth • liccie bug • Bajoran lilac • lopa • lopp • makara herb • meurik • nerak blossom • nipujan bush • nya tree • palukoo • peng • petalune • porli • pugabeast • pylchyk • Rakonian swamp rat • rinta • rubberwood • salam grass • sand dragon • sea-tiger • Bajoran shrimp • sinoraptor • sreen • tiku • timpok tree • tirak • tokka • Bajoran tree toad • tubba • tuwaly • tyrfox • verdanis • verrior • zhom


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