Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki

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Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki

The Delta Alliance was an interstellar coalition formed in response to the aggressive conquest of the Delta Quadrant by the Vaadwaur Supremacy. The Alliance was the brainchild of Starfleet Admiral Tuvok. The Delta Alliance was unstable due to long-standing conflicts between its members. (STO - Delta Quadrant mission: "Alliances")



As part of Operation Delta Rising, the newly forged Alpha Quadrant Alliance ventured into the Delta Quadrant to retrace the journey of the Federation starship USS Voyager and fight back the Borg Collective and Undine invasions on their home turf. (STO - Delta Quadrant missions: "Escalation", "Mindscape")

In early 2410, the AQA dispatched two ships, including Admiral Tuvok's Voyager, to the Entaba system to assist the Talaxians in relocating to their chosen homeworld New Talax. The Talaxian leader was Federation Ambassador Neelix, a former Voyager crewmember himself. The AQA defeated Kazon-Nistrim attackers in the Entaba system and repelled Malon ships contaminating the orbit of New Talax. The Alliance promised to assist the Talaxians' colonization effort. Tuvok believed the experience of colonizing New Romulus would be a great benefit to those efforts. (STO - Delta Quadrant mission: "Reunion")

The Alliance reestablished contact with the Borg Cooperative and assisted their flagship, the Liberator, in liberating several Borg ships. The Liberator captain, Hugh, was grateful. (STO - Delta Quadrant mission: "Friends in Unlikely Places")

The AQA assisted refugees of the B'omar Sovereignty and helped negotiate trade agreements between the Borg Cooperative and various other factions, including the Farn and Parein. (STO video game: Delta Rising)


Delta Quadrant sector block

Map of the Delta Quadrant sector block in 2410.

Tuvok proposed the establishment of the Delta Alliance and convened a summit in the Al'yans system. The Talaxians, Kobali and the Benthan Protectorate agreed immediately to join. To fight the Vaadwaur and their Bluegill puppet masters, the assistance of additional governments was required. (STO - Delta Quadrant mission: "Alliances")

Tuvok dispatched several experienced officers to convince Delta Quadrant races and cultures to join the Delta Alliance. An AQA starship helped defend the Turei homeworld against a massive Vaadwaur assault. Let down by their Voth allies, Ambassador Norrick convinced his government to pledge allegiance to the Alliance. (STO - Delta Quadrant missions: "Revelations", "Alliances")

Seven of Nine had no problems convincing the Borg Cooperative. The Octanti were unwilling to fight alongside Borg, even former drones. The situation was resolved when the Cooperative and the Octanti worked together to save a liberated tactical cube in the Russan system from an Octanti-made synthetic virus, after Ambassador Rerrick recognized his brother Meshk among the former drones. (STO - Delta Quadrant mission: "Alliances")

Ambassador Neelix convinced Y'Dren of the Hazari to join after the Benthan high judicar Mathan granted several demands of the bounty hunters and after the fugitive criminal N'Keden was handed over to the Benthan Guard in the Neles system. (STO - Delta Quadrant mission: "Alliances")

The Doctor infiltrated a Hierarchy battleship commanded by Supervisor Lorvo in the Pribyl system. An AQA starship proved its combat and personnel managing capabilities in a fight against a holographic Voth Bulwark-class battleship. The Hierarchy's cost evaluation matrix considered an alliance economically prudent, and a Hierarchy science and intelligence officer joined the crew of the AQA starship. (STO - Delta Quadrant mission: "Alliances")

The USS Rhode Island met representatives from five Kazon Collective sects in the Bremark system. A battle ensued between the sects when First Maje Sessen of the Kazon-Nistrim arrived and attacked the Rhode Island. He and his allies, the Halik and Mostral were defeated, and Maje Ket of the Relora pledged the allegiance of his clan and his allies, the Ogla and Pommar, to the Delta Alliance. (STO - Delta Quadrant mission: "Alliances")

Ships of the expanded alliance reconvened in the Al'yans system. The Delta Alliance would be led by Alliance High Command and begin defending the quadrant against the Vaadwaur. (STO - Delta Quadrant mission: "Alliances")




States in the Delta Quadrant
Nekrit Expanse and beyond (75-70.000 light-years from Sol) Autonomous Province of Talax • Borg Collective • Borg Cooperative • Etanian Order • Delta Coalition • Haakonian Order • Kazon Collective • Krowtonan Guard • Mokra Order • Swarm • Sikarian Canon • Vidiian Sodality • Vostigye Union • Voth
Vyntadi sector block (65.000 light-years) Alsuran Empire • B'omar Sovereignty • Benthan Protectorate • Delta Alliance • Hirogen Hierarchy • Khitomer Alliance • Krenim Coalition • Krenim Imperium • Malon Cooperative • Rilnar Consortium • Vaadwaur Supremacy • Zahl Regnancy
Tekara sector block (60-50.000 light-years) Borg Collective • Delta Alliance • Devore Imperium • Hirogen Hierarchy • Khitomer Alliance • Monean Maritime Sovereignty
40-30.000 light-years Annari Empire • Borg Collective • Confederacy of the Worlds of the First Quadrant • Dinaal Corporate • Hierarchy • Hirogen • Klingon Empire • Malon Cooperative • New Talax • R'Kaal Collective • Romulan Republic • United Federation of Planets • United Provinces of Uxal • Voth

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