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Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki
For other uses, see Taj.

The IKS Taj was a Klingon battle cruiser in service in the 24th century. The ship's name (translated from the Klingon language) means "knife."

Service history and disposition[]

During the Dominion War, the Taj, under the command of Captain B'Edra, participated in the Battle of Orias. B'Edra continued to command the Taj through at least 2376. (KE novel: A Good Day to Die)

In 2379, the Taj, under the command of captain Vekma, was among a Klingon fleet with at least nine other ships carrying a total of 6,000 Klingon warriors sent to Tezwa after they threatened the Klingon colony of QiV'ol. All of the ships except the Taj were destroyed in the initial assault by fire from the nadion-pulse cannons on the planet's surface, which still suffered heavy damage. Commander Riker's Starfleet training had him order the USS Enterprise-E to use a tractor beam to pull it to safety; everyone on board was killed except Captain Vekma, who survived only long enough to blame Commander Riker and his rescue team for not allowing the Taj crew to die in battle.

Later, six tactical strike teams from the Enterprise went aboard the Taj and Lieutenant Kell Perim remote-piloted the ship into orbit above Tezwa. The teams were transported into the atmosphere and parachuted down to the planet's surface just before the Taj was destroyed by the pulse cannons. (ST - A Time to... novel: A Time to Kill)



Ships named Taj
Klingon Empire, Klingon Defense Force IKS Taj (23rd century)IKS Taj (attack fighter)IKS Taj (24th century) Klingon Empire flag image.
Klingon Empire, House of Martok private forces IKS Taj (Tor'Kaht-class)
Klingon bird-of-prey vessels
D12 class Cha'Joh Z'gavva-class (D32) (Death Rattle) • Falchion • (Hawk Stoops) • (Repentance) Emblem of the Klingon Empire.
E4 class (Adamant) • (Adept) • (Conqueror) • (Darkness) • (Defender) • (Defiant) • (Determined) • (Devoted) • (Focus) • (Guardian) • (Hidden) • (Insolent) • (Invisible) • (Keeper) • (Obdurate) • (Procession) • (Raid) • (Return) • (Safeguard) • (Seeker) • (Shadow) • (Shieldbearer) • (Strike) • (Stubborn) • (Swatter) • (Trustworthy) • (Unbreakable) • (Viking)
E6 class (Battle) • (War) • (Conflict) • (Attack) Z'gavasta-class (L42) Deathless Glory
G2 class G2C-295G2C-871G2C-913G2-2983G2-5213G2-9178 • (Catcher) • (Fencer) • (Fetcher) • (Fighter) • (Hunter) • (Stalker) • (Watcher)
B'rel-class (K22B) BaHwil' Begh'poQBImoqu' BInepBI'ngo' BIQ'a'ngo' BllughBowie'eB'rel/Qel'Poh (aka Bounty)BurukChong'poghCh'TangDakh'yi'DILDakronh ~ Kla'DIyuSDeb'choSDoh' Do'Ha' Dom'SISDughDuyDughjupDughla' DughQu' Dughro' DughwoQDughyaSDun'wo' Duy'HubEm'reeEtam • (Fury) • Ghar'QotlhGho'be' Ghoch'raghGhoH'SotGhungDolGhunglomGhungQa' GhungQoghGon'devGrerrguhMohHegh'QeDpHegh'taHembu' HemDuyHemgholHemlomHijol'pengHob'DISHovpengHuj'a'SIpHurgh'raghHuS'ngebJib'lalDanJiyajbe' Jol ylchu' JorJuS'mungKad'nraKahless RoKhichKorinarKorothKrogshatKrugeK'ti'sukaLoS'maHLuq'arghMajQa'be' MalparaMav'jopMaw'HeSwI' M'CharMich'paghMok'talNaSbutlhNaSDolNaSDupNaSghoNaSghongNaS'puchpa' NaStajNay'parNing'tao ~ Ning'tauN'KgharNukmayOkrona ~ ChontayOranthoPiqaD'nemPlathQap'gharghQo' QovinQugh'tungQuHvaj'QobQul'bIQQuoc'TruongQup'SoHQut'SuchRanKufRaQpo'juSRotarranSap'lengSID'ghomSlivinTaD'moHTajHu' Tar'be' TargTazhatTIH'HichTIQ'IwSevTlhIH'HuTrayorTu'a'ropVIghajbe' VorkaVornVut'bolWo'bortasWuv'a'temYaj'a' YijatlhQo' Ylje' Y'tem
K'vort-class AktuhAzetburBegh'poQB'iJikBurukChangChong'poghDeb'choSDivokDuy'HubFek'lhrGho'be' GhoH'SotGi'ralGorkonGro'kanHegh'taHob'DISHurgh'raghJ'DdanKahlessKangK'EhleyrKi'tangKlagK'mpecK'neraKolothKonmelKoordKorKoragaKormagKorrisK'RatakKreltekKrugeK'TemocKurnK'vortL'KorLorghLukaraLuq'arghMajQa'be' MaltzMelotaMorathNaS'puchpa' Nay'parNu'DaqPaghPiqaD'nemQugh'tungQup'SoHQut'SuchTaD'moHTagakTajTajHuTar'beVornWuv'a'tem
Various bird-of-prey series BoqratBotkaB'RelChemvaHG'gtahKorK'raiykhLIngta' MIl'oD • ("Naprem") • Ning'taoNorghQa'HomQajQuundarStorm LordSung puq LodSuy' TeghbatTo'bajToppa' VIghro' unnamed Klingon birds-of-prey
(translated names in parentheses)