Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki

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Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki

Spoiler warning: Plot and/or ending details follow: The following content contains spoilers!

Jett Reno, was a Human woman, a Starfleet engineer in the year 2257.


She was a commander aboard the USS Hiawatha, serving as its engineer during the Federation-Klingon War of 2256-57. She survived the Hiawatha's crash landing on dark matter asteroid. For ten months, Reno kept her surviving crewmates alive until a landing party from the USS Discovery under Captain Christopher Pike arrived due to a Red burst happening in close proximity. Following the rescue, Reno assigned to the Discovery's engineering section by Captain Pike.(DSC episode: "Brother"; ST reference: The Star Trek Book)

In May of 2257, Reno and Stamets examined nanospiders from a visiting science team. However, the spiders malfunctioned. Despite, Reno, Stamets and the science team were able to secure the spiders. Reno also found her old tech that had her late wife's song that played during their wedding.(DSC - Celebrations comic: "Innovation Interruption")

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Service Record[]


Template:Hiawatha personnel

Discovery personnel
United Earth, Earth Starfleet Discovery (NX-class) Brent • Carpenter • Curtis • T. Mayweather • Shea • R. Tallarico Earth emblem. Starfleet emblem.
Federation Starfleet USS Discovery (Crossfield-class) Airiam • R.A. Bryce • M. Burnham • Chiefowitz • Collins • P. Georgiou • H. Culber • Decker • K. Detmer • Gotthelf • Harrington • Kowski • E. Landry • Linus • Logan • G. Lorca • Magnus • Molina • D. Nhan • E. Nilsson • J. Owosekun • C. Pike • T. Pollard • Rause • Rayner • J. Reno • G. Rhys • M. Richter • Saru • P. Stamets • A. Tal • S. Tilly • A. Tyler • Webb • Wells • Wilson • Zora UFP emblem image. Starfleet emblem.
USS Discovery (Nebula-class) M. Dayrit • Grazna • A. Portikos
Personnel roster


External links[]
