Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki

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Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki

The K-class space station was a Federation starbase design in service from at least the early 2240s. (ST reference: Star Trek Maps; Decipher RPG module: Starfleet Operations Manual; TOS novel: Final Frontier)

History and specifications[]

The K-class station consisted of a cone-shaped command tower on the dorsal surface of a discus-shaped primary hull. This was connected to a drum-shaped secondary hull which housed a shuttle bay. Branching out from between the two hulls were three arms, located at the end of each one was a smaller discus-shaped module topped with an office or habitat tower. (TOS episode: "The Trouble with Tribbles"; DS9 episode: "Trials and Tribble-ations"; TOS comic: "Jeopardy at Jutterdon")

K-class reactor core

K-class reactor core.

This type of station was powered by a multistory reactor core that could be ejected in an emergency. (TOS - The Chosen comic: "Blood Enemies")

Known stations[]

K-class space stations
Federation, Starfleet Asobi Station • Archernar IV contact station • Alhena Station • Deep Space Communications Link Station • Deep Space Station K-7 • Deep Space K-11 • Deep Space Station K-12 • Deep Space Station K-13 • Deep Space Station K-22 • Deep Space Station S-8 • Drozana Station (variant) • Jutterdon • Starbase 2 • Starbase 9 • Starbase 14 • Starbase 56 • Penal Colony 47 {{{2}}} icon image. {{{2}}} icon image.
Federation, civilian Asobi Station • Deep Space Station S-8 • Deep Space Station S-12 {{{2}}} icon image.
Federation, Starfleet
(Kelvin timeline)
Deep Space Station K-7 • Deep Space K-11 {{{2}}} icon image. {{{2}}} icon image.
Klingon Empire, Defense Force Alhena Station {{{2}}} icon image.
Terran Imperial Starfleet Neptune Station {{{2}}} icon image.



Space station classes of the Federation and Starfleet
Named classes E-class • Fleet Starbase • Frontier-class • Helios-class • K-class • Manheim Temporal Research Facility • Nor-class • R1-class (R1 Administrator-class • R1 Artisan-class • R1 Informant-class • R1 Investigator-class • R1 Invictus-class) • Sierra-class • Sigma-class • Strongpoint-class • Unity-class • Watchtower-class • Zenith-class {{{2}}} icon image. {{{2}}} icon image.
Other types

Construction support station • Mining Station 27 type • McKinley type • Spacedock type • Starbase G4 type • unnamed

general type

Federation advanced starbase • Federation advanced shipyard • Federation defense platform • Federation habitat • Federation mining station • Federation orbital processing facility • Federation phaser turret • Federation relay station • Federation research facility • Federation temporal research facility • Federation sensor platform • Federation science station • Federation shipyard • Federation starbase • Federation torpedo turret • Federation trading station • fleet station • Vulcan research institute

