Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki

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Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki
Larish pie

Woban enjoys a piece of larish pie in 2369.

Larish pie was a Cardassian food, a variety of pie that also became adopted as a delicacy dessert by the Bajoran civilization. (ST reference: The Star Trek Encyclopedia; DS9 episode: "The Storyteller"; STO video game: Star Trek Online)

History and specifics[]

The Federation Travel Guide recommended having larish pie at the end of a dinner meal at The Gul restaurant. (ST reference: Federation Travel Guide)

In 2369, Woban, the leader of the Navot, ordered a larish pie while at Quark's on Deep Space 9. He complimented the Cardassian replicators on the quality of the pie. (DS9 episode: "The Storyteller")

Sakal Damar enjoyed eating larish pie. (DS9 - Strange New Worlds III short story: "An Errant Breeze")

Bajoran larish pie was a common consumable served by a variety of vendors in the year 2409, including Club 47 on Earth Spacedock, the 602 Club at Starfleet Academy, and at the bar on Drozana Station. (STO video game: Star Trek Online)



Quark's menu
foods Altair sandwich • Alterian chowder • Aubergine stew • beetle purée • flaked blood flea • foraiga • Gorn chef stew • Gramilian sand peas • hasperat • I'danian spice pudding • Itharian molé • kilm steak • Kohlanese stew • larish pie • mapa bread • menju nut • Palamarian sea urchin • pineapple • popsnail • Romulan mollusk • seenash • slug liver • snail steak • spore pie • tube grub • tuwaly pie • Vak clover soup • Vegan truffle • Ventaxan Volcano Sundae • vithi bulb • Vulcan mollusk • Wentlian condor snake • zabu stew
beverages Aldebaran whiskey • allira punch • Alvanian brandy • Amielian tea • Andorian ale • Andorian sunset • Antarian shake • arrak • black hole • bock beer • Bolian tonic water • Breshtanti ale • Brestanti ale • Calaman sherry • Cardassian rock wine • Château Picard • deka tea • Deluvian coffee • Denebian slime ale • Ektarian fizz • Fanalian toddy • Finagle's Folly • frozen nebula • gallia nectar • Gamzian wine • 'g'nerra juice • grosz • Kalmr claret • karvino juice • Kenukian rum • kiriliona • Klapri dripping • Maparian ale • Maporian ale • Maraltian seev-ale • Mavarian stout • millipede juice • Orion ale • pooncheenee • Pyrellian ginger tea • Rekarri starburst • Rigelian bloodwine • Rigellian brandy • Romulan ale • root beer • Samarian sunset • Saurian brandy • Scandavian Sunset • selenium fizz • Solarian shake • Stardrifter • synthale • Takarian mead • Tamarian frost • Tellarite fizz • tequila • Terrevani tea • Thunderbird • Til'amin froth • Tirellian stout • tranya • Triskelion Tidal Wave • Trixian bubble juice • Tzartak aperitif • Visscus vodka • whisky • Yridian brandy
apple pie (Atekian apple pie • Elysian cloud-apple pie • apple-walnut pie) • Argelian delight • blackberry pie • blueberry pie • butterweed pie • cherry pie • chocolate waterplum pie • cream pie (Yigrish cream pie) • Ferengi spore pie • gargara dakria • Georgia chicken pie • larish pie • (Bajoran larish pie) • pecan pie • pemmican pie • perach kisan • piroshki • pot pie (Gorandian pot pie) • prusah kisan • pumpkin pie • rokeg blood pie • spore pie • tuwaly pie • Yigrish cream pie

External link[]
