Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki

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Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki

Ranf Cavic was a 24th century Bolian man, a doctor who served in Starfleet as a starship CMO and later a professor at Starfleet Academy.


Dr. Cavic was an immunology expert. He was highly trained in administration, command, first aid, microbiology, and the use of medical systems. He was also trained in computer modeling, Federation history, Starfleet regulations, sociology, and shuttlecraft operations. He was a proficient runner who spoke Federation Standard and the Bolian language.

After earning his medical degree at the Bolian Academy of Medical Sciences, Cavic served in Starfleet as the CMO of three Federation starships for the next 14 years, including the Nebula-class USS Discovery, during which he developed an antidote for Jeverian flu.

By 2370, Cavic served on the Academy's medical science department at Starfleet Academy. In 2370, he presented his paper "lmmunoresponse in Exoviral Exposure Studies" at Starfleet's Medical Conference, one of several he authored in the field.

In 2371, he reported to Chairman Jae Zsigray and worked alongside fellow professors Barry Moore, S'ren, and Stephen Torosian. He assisted in teaching the curriculum, which included MED 101 Introduction to Medical Laboratory Science, MED 203 Introduction to Anatomy, MED 205 Immunology, MED 306 Virology, and MED 418 Medical Ethics. Additionally, he also served at Starfleet Academy Medical School, where he taught advanced classes, conducted medical internships, and conducted research in immunology and virology.

The oldest of his three children was a member of Starfleet who served at Deep Space 4. (Last Unicorn RPG - SA module: Starfleet Academy Handbook)


  • The study of the living organism is not unlike the exploration of the galaxy. Our bodies are microcosms as vast and diverse as the stars themselves and as subject to the threat of invasion or harm. Through our study of the body and its natural defenses, we better understand how to protect ourselves against many of the biological hazards we may encounter while exploring the larger galaxy. (Last Unicorn RPG - SA module: Starfleet Academy Handbook)



Starfleet Academy personnel
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