Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki

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Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki

Ravanar was a star system, located somewhere in the space of the galaxy's Alpha or Beta Quadrants, in the Taurus Reach.

History and specifics[]

The Ravanar system's orbit was the location of a number of worlds, including fourth planet Ravanar IV. In the year 2263, Ravanar IV was visited by the USS Constellation. By 2265 it hosted a Starfleet Intelligence outpost. (VAN novel: Harbinger)

In 2379, a contingent of Starfleet Special Operations personnel was able to capture a Breen vessel in the Ravanar system, although their actions were officially denied by the Federation Security Council. Ambassador Worf was able to obtain these schematics to trade to Imperial Intelligence agent Lorgh in exchange for blackmail information against Klingon Councillor Kopek. (ST - A Time to... novel: A Time to Kill)

The Breen vessel disabled in the Ravanar system was later determined by Starfleet to be called the Guernik and that it had used by Breen privateers. (ST - Typhon Pact novel: Zero Sum Game)

System makeup[]

Ravanar system primary star



Alpha and Beta Quadrant stars and star systems (R)
Rabnor • Rachelis • Rada Ban • Raddan • Radrini • Rahwe • Rai • Rainsford • Rajatha • Rakon • Rakor • Ralvek • Ramedes • Ramexik • Ramirian • Ramnor • Ramul • Ramuur • Ram'ved • Rana Nur • Ranar • Ranara • Randa • Randiir • Raniem • Ranos • Ranta Daraan • Ran'ved • Rapta • Rariar • Rasalgethi • Rasira • Rastan • Ravanar • Raville • Raxa • Raxax • Raxel • Rayvan • Razgara • Razma • Razmara • Razna • Razzbo • Reality's Edge • Redama • Redmond • Rednor • Redor • Refniai • Regadex • Regal • Regara • Rejarris • Rek'Sgar • Relgor • Rella • Rell's Theta system • Relva • Remior • Remok • Rem'zek • Rena • Renebis • Renneq • Reriez • Reshenk • Revdex • Rexar • Rexenox • Rho Drunir • Rho Ophiuchi • Ribeldalia • Ribodex • Ribol • Riburn • Ridara • Ridix • Rigelken • Riglona • Rikoth • Ril Korvas • Rilustra • Rimanda • Rimara • Rim'tara • Rim'ter • Rintox • Ripoche Black Hole • Ripora • Risa • Ri'sar • Rivala • Rivox • Rixiax • Rixora • Rixudex • Robeton • Robina • Robinson Singularity • Roblor • Robved • Robvin • Rodden • Rodex • Rodox • Rod'reth • Rogg • Roja • Rolan • Rolon • Romina • Romok • Romor • Rom'vadi • Rona Tan • Ronved • Rooth • Rorel • Roriez • Ros Daraan • Rosec • Rosion • Rosiul • Ross 154 • Ross 271 • Rosved • Rousseau • Rovan • Roveb • Rover • Rov'pek • Roxiar • Roxies • Roze • Ru Daraan • Rubenox • Ruchba • Ruchbah • Ruidan • Ruli • Rulira • Rundoris • Runeus • Rura Delvis • Rura Fera • Rura Gentra • Rura Ilra • Rura Kolstra • Rura Koris • Rura Merenthe • Rura Mintra • Rura Nora • Rura Penthe • Rura Tervox • Rura Vestra • Rura Xoran • Ruth'ved • Ruud Daraan • Ruved • Ru'veth • RY Antliae • Rylaran Alpha and Beta Quadrant icon image.
Alpha Quadrant stars and systems (R) Rakal • Raknal • Ramilles • Rasalhague • Rastaban • Redansk • Regulon • Rho Capricorni • Rhota'Nev • Rissa • Rog • Rondac • Rotanev • Ruchbah • Rudellia • Rymus Alpha Quadrant icon image.
Beta Quadrant stars and systems (R) Ramatis • Rana • Rasalas • Rator • Regulus • Regulus A • Respler • Reytan • Rho Magnin • Rho Tucanae • Rho Virginis • Rhys • Rigel systems: (Beta Orionis: Rigel A, Rigel BC • Beta Rigel) • Rigil Kentaurus • Romii • Romulus system (Romulus • Romulus B) • Rotarran • Roulean Beta Quadrant icon image.


While the sources cited do not establish quadrant locations for this setting, the placement near the Breen Confederacy strongly indicates that this system is in the galaxy's Alpha Quadrant. However, the fact that the distance away from Breen space is not documented, this could also cross into the Beta Quadrant, and casts doubt on that being sufficient evidence to definitively state a quadrant location for the purposes of this wiki.

