Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki

A friendly reminder regarding spoilers! At present the expanded Trek universe is in a period of major upheaval with the continuations of Discovery and Prodigy, the advent of new eras in gaming with the Star Trek Adventures RPG, Star Trek: Infinite and Star Trek Online, as well as other post-57th Anniversary publications such as the ongoing IDW Star Trek comic and spin-off Star Trek: Defiant. Therefore, please be courteous to other users who may not be aware of current developments by using the {{spoiler}}, {{spoilers}} OR {{majorspoiler}} tags when adding new information from sources less than six months old (even if it is minor info). Also, please do not include details in the summary bar when editing pages and do not anticipate making additions relating to sources not yet in release. THANK YOU


Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki
For other uses, see Rivals.

Rivals is a cellular/mobile game. Initially, it focused on elements of the Kelvin timeline created by Nero's incursion.



A. K'BentayrA. MarcusAyelBoknarBrianCaskChristopher PikeCh'takC. MarcusDarwinCupcakeDexterDurrahEgapG. KirkGrasiaH. SuluJames T. KirkJavaidJ. HarrisonKar'dlaK'dohrKeenserKim'talKoridKumakKuronL. McCoyLivisLorisMadelineMargMotoM. ScottNeroNibiru child • Nibiru warrior • N. UhuraOrisesOrsakP. ChekovRazRilaSa'etSarekSolas • Ambassador SpockSpockStovekT. HarewoodV'lesViloxVirta0718

Starships and vehicles[]

GilliamIowa police hoverbikeJellyfishKlingon WarbirdNaradaUSS AeolusUSS AntaresUSS ArmstrongUSS DefiantUSS EnterpriseUSS Kelvin shuttlecraft 37 • USS Kobayashi MaruUSS MayflowerUSS Newton313-C Escape PodUSS Vengeance
Referenced only
shuttlecraft • mining vessel


Referenced only
Delta Vega IIota Geminorum IVStarbase 1

Races and cultures[]

Centaurian slug • DrakouliasHengrauggiHumanIota Geminorum IV tribbleKlingonNibiruOrionRomulanVulcan

States and organizations[]


Ranks and titles[]

acting captainacting engineeracting first officeradmiralambassadorcadetcaptainchief engineerchief medical officercommandercombat specialistcomm. officercouncilorcrewmandoctorengineerensignfirst officerguardlieutenantlieutenant commandermedical officerministernavigation officerofficerrecruitscience officersecurity officerwarrior

Other references[]

alienbarflychildDecalithium red matterexo suitNarada drill platform • prototype




Stories set in the Kelvin timeline
comics When Worlds Collide: Spock Confronts the Ultimate ChallengeNero (1234) • Starfleet Academy (12345) • Star Trek Movie Adaptation (123456) • IDW Star Trek: Volume 1 (Where No Man Has Gone Before: 1, 2The Galileo Seven: 1, 2) • Volume 2 (Operation: Annihilate: 1, 2Vulcan's Vengeance: 1, 2) • Volume 3 (The Return of the Archons: 1, 2The Truth About Tribbles: 1, 2) • Volume 4 (1314Mirrored: 1, 2) • Volume 5 (17181920) • Countdown to Darkness (1234) • Volume 6 (After Darkness: 1, 2, 324) • Volume 7: The Khitomer Conflict (1234) • Khan (12345) • Volume 8 (Parallel Lives: 1, 2I, Enterprise!: 1, 2Lost Apollo: 1, 2) • Volume 9: The Q Gambit (123456) • Volume 10 (Behemoth: 1, 2Eurydice: 1, 2, 3Volume 11 (The Tholian Webs: 1, 2Deity: 12Flesh & Stone) • The Spectrum War (123456) • Volume 12 (Live Evil: 123Reunion: 12) • Volume 13 (Legacy of Spock: 1234Connection: 12) • Manifest Destiny (1234) • Stranger Worlds (123456) • Boldly Go: Volume 1 (123456) • Volume 2 (789101112) • Volume 3: IDIC (123456) • "Meanwhile..." • "The Knight Errand"
novels Star TrekStarfleet Academy (The Delta AnomalyThe EdgeThe Gemini AgentThe Assassination Game) • Into DarknessThe Unsettling StarsMore Beautiful Than Death
video games Delta Vega: Meltdown on the Ice PlanetAcademy TrainerCadet Training FacilityD-A-CRace to DestinyThe Mobile GameStar TrekRivalsDark Remnant
board games Expeditions live-action shorts Transporter CommercialBrilliant Enterprise CommercialCollision insurance commercialBold Explorers
websites Starfleet ShipyardDossiersExperience The Enterprise apps Star Trek App
prequels in original timeline Countdown (1234)

External links[]
