Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki

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Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki

Spoiler warning: Plot and/or ending details follow: The following content contains spoilers!
WARNING! This article contains MAJOR spoilers for the recently released mission Scorpion's Abyss. Caution is advised.

Sabotage was a type of action, an act to disable equipment or systems. Acts of sabotage were committed by a saboteur.

History and specifics[]

During the Federation-Klingon War of 2405-2410, Starfleet dispatched duty officer's on assignments to sabotage enemy factions when their activities grew bold. This was part of Starfleet's espionage operations. The officers were tasked with sabotaging their primary or a major target to impede operations. The operations theater included the Alpha Centauri, Beta Ursae, Orellius and Psi Velorum sector blocks. Targets included Breen operational headquarters, Klingon repair facilities and weapons labs, Reman repair facilities and weapons labs, Romulan repair facilities and weapons labs, and True Way repair facilities, weapons labs and resupply bases. The sabotage was undertaken by a duty officer away team consisting of an explosives expert, two operations division personnel and a security officer. (STO - New Dawn mission: "Sabotage")

In the 2400s and 2410s, Solid Saboteur was an accolade, an award granted by Starfleet and the Klingon Defense Force for defeating ten Dominion forces in ground combat. (STO - Cardassian Struggle mission: "The Factory")

In the year 2410, Saboteur's Gambits was a technology set sold by the Lobi Crystal Consortium on Drozana Station for 200 lobi crystals. This set consisted of four parts that could be equipped together on starships to achieve a cumulative effect. Saboteur's Gambits consisted of a the saboteur's disruptor beam array, saboteur's disruptor dual cannons, saboteur delivery vehicle photon torpedo and saboteur's supercharger universal console. (STO - Spectres mission: "Spin the Wheel")

In 2411, Captain Ezri Dax led a pair of hazard teams aboard Unimatrix 7400 in fluidic space. The teams' goal was to disable shields and weapons of the Borg Kingdom unimatrix to render it vulnerable to fire from an Undine planet killer. The Borg temporarily assimilated most of the team members but Ezri used a counteragent to recover the Alpha and Bravo teams. They used their new Borg implants to hack the Kingdom's systems, completing the sabotage of the unicomplex's defenses. (STO - Kings & Queens mission: "Scorpion's Abyss")


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