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Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki

The Cry of the Onlies is a 1989 Star Trek: The Original Series novel by Judy Klass. It was the 46th novel in Pocket Books' TOS numbered novel line.


Boaco Six—A once-tranquil Federation colony, now caught up in the throes of revolution. The Enterprise's mission: re-establish contact with the planet, and determine whether or not formal ties between the Federation and Boaco Six should be strengthened.
Negotiations between Captain Kirk and the planet's ruling Council of Youngers are proceeding smoothly, until the atmosphere of goodwill is shattered by the sudden destruction of a Boacan ship—at the hands of an experimental Starfleet vessel!
Now, in order to prevent full-scale war from breaking out, the Enterprise must recapture the stolen Starfleet vessel and its abductors. A mission that will require the aid of the galaxy's most reclusive genius—and bring Captain Kirk face-to-face with the long-buried secrets of the past…



Glen Andrews • Tamara Angel • Christine Chapel • Pavel Chekov • Colignon • File • Flint • Iogan • Jahn • James T. Kirk • Komack • Kreth • M-7 • Mayori • Leonard McCoy • Michaels • Noro • Ona • Pal • Ramsey • Rhea • Rizzuto • Montgomery Scott • Spock • Hikaru Sulu • Hiroshi Takehara • Tarn • Thorton • Nyota Uhura • Voltmer
Referenced only
Tristan Adams • Alexander the Great • Anator • Athena • Ludwig van Beethoven • Johannes Brahms • Charlie X • Chloe • Garrovick • Irina • Leonardo da Vinci • Henry Wadsworth Longfellow • Louise • Markor • Merlin • Methuselah • Miri • Nazafar-7 • Puil • Rayna • Solomon • Surak • Zeus

Starships and vehicles[]

USS Enterprise • freighter • Klingon battle cruiser • Model T • USS Sparrow


Boaco system (Azar • Alil • Boa • Boaco VI • Boaco VIII • Mirror Maidens) • Juram V
Referenced only
Cestus XIV • Earth (Bordeaux • Cadiz • Italy • Mesopotamia • Vienna) • Gallaga IX • Neptune • Orion • Starbase 12 • Tantalus colony • Vulcan • Xandar's

Races and cultures[]

Boacan • Human • Klingon • Only • Romulan • Tellarite • Vulcan
Referenced only

States and organizations[]

Council of Youngers • Federation • Klingon Empire • Romulan Empire • Starfleet • Starfleet Command
Referenced only
Federation Council • Ford Motor Company • Starfleet Academy • Steinway

Science and technology[]

android • animal • antimatter • argea • blood • captain's chair • chemical • cloaking device • command chair • communicator • computer • control panel • decompression chamber • dehydration • dilithium • earpiece • fire • food computer • heart • immortality • inoculation • intercom • ion storm • kilometer • life support • mile • minute • orbit • phaser • photon torpedo • rabies • radio • robot • ryetalin • sensor • shields • space • spleen • star • starship • time • tractor beam • transporter • transporter pad • tricorder • turbolift • vaccine • viewscreen • warp drive

Ranks and titles[]

baron • cadet • captain • chemical developer • doctor • ensign • helmsman • lieutenant • rebel • student • teacher • warlord • yeoman

Other references[]

712 • 1419 • beer • beetle • bird • black market • Boacan brandy • boot • bridge • "The Building of the Ship" • candle • century • chair • chess • city • class M planet • clinic • coffee • coin • company • coral • crystal • day • democracy • Denebian momruk • diplomacy • doll • dress uniform • embargo • fencing • food • foolie • forest • fried chicken • glasses • gold • government • Grup • hail • hangar deck • hanging • hospital • IDIC • insect • iron • jungle • knife • laboratory • landing party • larpa • lizard • lunar satellite • mess hall • military • mind meld • moon • music • observation deck • ocean • ore • piano • planet • poker • Prime Directive • quadrant • red alert • Rigellian water music • Rigellian whiskey • salt • Saurian brandy • science station • seaweed • shore leave • sickbay • snake • sonata • soup • steel • storage closet • temple • torbak • torch • torture • transporter room • tree • trititanium • Vulcan harp • war game • water • week • witchcraft • wooker • year • yellow alert




published order
Previous novel:
Double, Double
TOS numbered novels Next novel:
The Kobayashi Maru
chronological order
Previous Adventure:
The Three-Minute Universe
Pocket Next Adventure:

German : Der Boaco-Zwischenfall, translated by Andreas Brandhorst. (Heyne)

External link[]
