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Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki
For other uses, see Lancaster.

The USS Lancaster was a Federation starship, a Nebula-class strike cruiser in Starfleet service in the 24th century. (TNG video game: Birth of the Federation)

History and specifics[]

The Lancaster was the first assignment of Ensign Hawk after his graduation from Starfleet Academy in the year 2368. He was an officer in the vessel's security department, and had a reputation for putting himself in harm's way to protect others. (ST video game: Starship Creator)

This vessel was preceded in the name Lancaster by a survey vessel in a Starfleet Academy holoprogram in 2353. (VOY - SA novel: The Chance Factor)


  • Ensign Hawk (from 2368)
    • Hawk's next assignments included the USS Enterprise-D, which means he would have transferred from Lancaster to that vessel at some point before the 1701-D's 2371 destruction.



Nebula-class starships
Federation Starfleet Standard configuration Aldebaran • Alnwick • Aristotle • Barclay • Bell • Bellerophon • Berkeley • Boadicea • Bonchune • Bonhomme Richard • Bostwick • Bougainville • Boyle • Caddebostan • Chang Teh • Chatelain • Chesapeake • Chin • Columbia-B • Conklin • Courageous • Cousteau • Crick • Curie • Darwin • Descartes • Discovery • Douglass • Edison • Einstein • Endeavour • Euclid • Faraday • Farragut • Fermi • Foucault • Galileo • Gallant • Garuda • Gates • Godel • Hawking • Hegel • Heisenberg • Hera • Himori • Honshu • Hsien Ning • Hubble • Jacobus • Jah'tor • Jasmine • Kelvin • Kerra'don • Khitomer • Knuth • Koerner • Lancaster • Leeds • Leopard • Lexington • Mei Yuan • Melbourne • Merrimack • Ming Chuen • Monitor • Nebula • Newell • New York • Newton • Nightingale • Nobel • O'Neil • Oakham • Ockham • Oppenheimer • Oxford • Pascal • Pasteur • Pavlov • Phoenix • Prometheus • Proxima • Pythagoras • Ranger • Saladin • Salk • Reston • Schrödinger • Schweitzer • Scott • Stafford • Sutherland • T'Kumbra • Temeraire • Tesla • Tintagel • Tomaselli • Tonawanda • Ulysses • Whitney • Zee-Magnees • Zimmerman • unnamed Nebula-class starships UFP emblem image. Seal of the Federation Starfleet.
variant configurations Magellan-subclass: Magellan

Sutherland-subclass: Sutherland • Huygens • Almagest • Ibn al-Haytham

Terran Imperial Starfleet
(mirror universe)
Berkeley • Nebula Seal of the Terran Empire. Borg Collective Douglass • O'Neil • Tonawanda • unnamed Nebula-class starships Emblem of the Borg Collective.


No specific history or definitive final fate was established for this vessel in Birth of the Federation as its name was selected for a cruiser by the game software, and is placed randomly each time the ship appears.

Appearances and references[]


