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Timeline for The 2024 Developer Survey

Current License: CC BY-SA 4.0

13 events
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Jun 13 at 7:35 comment added Alkenrinnstet It's deliberate sampling bias.
Jun 3 at 20:40 comment added Alex They want to steer the conversation in favor of AI to say "see, developers love it, give us more money, AI companies."
May 30 at 22:33 comment added aakoch I was using AI but now am not. Where was that option?
May 29 at 15:24 comment added Sinc At the very least there should be a follow up question when I say "no" to using AI. "Why not?"
May 25 at 21:52 comment added Longinus I am also heavily disappointed by the survey only suggesting "lack of executive buy-in" as a "challenge," and not considering the IT department having ipbanned all the AI services.
May 23 at 7:01 comment added MT1 @GregBurghardt I was surprised that I was allowed to answer the questionaire twice!
May 20 at 21:18 comment added Greg Burghardt This. I actually went back and changed my answer just so I could answer the other AI questions. I have no plans to use AI at my job - also this doesn't mean I don't want to, it just means the higher-ups have told us not to because security and IP concerns.
May 20 at 17:38 comment added Kevin B @ThomA I don’t disagree that it’d be valuable information, but let’s keep in mind what the purpose of this survey is and always has been.
May 20 at 17:27 comment added Thom A As the survey denotes that the user doesn't use AI, then they can easily filter those results out, @KevinB . Plus, someone might not use AI because they had a terrible experience with it and therefore intentionally avoid it; those opinions do matter even if Stack Overflow thinks they don't, as OverflowAI in no way ever hallucinates.
May 20 at 15:59 comment added rjzii @KevinB Obviously it depends on what the questions in that section actually are, but if I was designing a survey to see how people are using AI as part of the development process, then I would also want to know why they aren't using AI as well. There's a big difference between "I don't like the tools" and "Corporate policy doesn't allow the use of GenAI" or "The tools are too prone to hallucinations to be used in a secure computing environment."
May 20 at 15:32 comment added Kevin B Why would they allow users who are more likely to rate it poorly fill out that section? that's bad for marketing
May 20 at 15:14 comment added rjzii Indeed, right now my job involves developing AI but because we don't use AI tools that entire section was skipped.
May 20 at 15:12 history answered Dalija PrasnikarMod CC BY-SA 4.0