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Ajax return data ng-click function not working

I try to pass a data in ajax return and in that data there is function that write in angular 1 ng-click like $.ajax({ 'method': 'GET', 'url': base_url +'party/selectCities?id='+state, ...
code_dev's user avatar
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2 answers

Ajax success data show undefind

I return a array object data Ajax success result then i print li tag but its show undefind My Ajax code is $.ajax({ 'method': 'GET', 'url': base_url +'party/selectCities?id='+state, ...
code_dev's user avatar
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need to use put and post in same bootstrap model, but only post working

i am working on a project and need to implement ngb bootstrap modal in angular 13, and complete the operation of put and post on the same model, but when I click on edit button it loads the data and ...
Aakash Singh's user avatar
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4 answers

Is there a way to hold HTTP requests to be made until the number of pending requests are less than N?

I am working on something where the user can upload N number of files in one go. However, since I am also sending N parallel requests at once (1 request per file to upload) it can easily choke the ...
Neeraj Kumar's user avatar
-1 votes
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Datepicker with dynamically blocked dates from DB using AngularJS and PHP

I've been scanning the internet for a datepicker that checks in a DB if dates are available or not in the current month, but to my surprise haven't found one! Does anyone know of an datepicker like ...
Marcus Edensky's user avatar
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Handling error on form submit javascript/jquery/ajax/angularjs

I went through existing questions regarding this topic but I was not able to find a solution for my case. I am new to javascript, jquery. I have this code let form = angular.element('form'); ...
Shadow's user avatar
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Long type in java

I am developing a program that uses the twitter api. When I tweet an id is returned. This id is of type long but I save it as "Long". When I try to use it in the interface with AJAX, I see ...
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How convert Angularjs code to Ajax or jquery

I have a angularjs code about 300 lines. I want to convert this code to jquery or Ajax. The angularjs code is about weather report. There is controllers, directives and filters. I do not know How to ...
Alex's user avatar
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jQuery draggable doesn't work after content is loaded via AJAX CAll

I am trying to drag the card that In which I have filled data with Ng-Repeat, but the Jquery is not working on the dynamic data. ignore the rest of ajax calls they all are fine,just help in ...
Durraiz Azam's user avatar
-1 votes
1 answer

Include Javascript inside JS file

How can we include javascript link inside .js file?. .js file support include, require or import like CSS or PHP? My Code : // Global site tag (gtag.js) - Google Analytics var script = document....
Stellan Coder's user avatar
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Angular Onsen UI Ajax call

I am beginning to learn writing apps using Monaca and I have a sample application I am editing which is written in Onsen and Angular. I would like to be able to get data from a remote file on my ...
RobertyBob's user avatar
3 votes
2 answers

Choices.js: Add dynamic data into the select option

I'm using Choices.js for multi select and for a select with a search box. I am also using angular.js to populate the data but it doesn't seem to work. Can anybody help me with populating the options ...
inquisitive's user avatar
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Presenting backend data using AngularJS/AJAX in MVC VIEW

So I am very new to AngularJS and AJAX, but recently there is this task I receive and I have to do the VIEW of MVC framework using AngularJS/AJAX. But after looking through several links online, I ...
user17178396's user avatar
-1 votes
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How to make synchronous $http() requests similar to $.ajax()?

I am making synchronous requests i.e. I always set {async: false}. My problem is, while jQuery's $.ajax() returns whatever the response data I want it to return, AngularJs's $http() return a promise ...
nordictelecom's user avatar
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AngularJS's $htttp not passing form data into the POST request like jQuery's $ajax

I have a problem converting jQuery's $.ajax requests to Angularjs's $http requests (Angularjs v1.8.x). I have a form with one text input and one image/file input an I am sending requests via form's ...
nordictelecom's user avatar

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