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How do I set up my POST form submission to stay on the same page and input any errors in a div?

SOLUTION FOUND: SEE BOTTOM FOR UPDATED CODE I have been trying to get this to work for about 8 hours now. I cannot for the life of me get a script to work for this. I have tried many different scripts ...
Laterthanlate's user avatar
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Django - call Form item by item with AJAX call

I'm new to Django and I'm trying to upload Form's items in my template with AJAX call to avoid refresh. Thanks to many Questions/answers here I have the following code which is working fine and ...
Nico44044's user avatar
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formData.append on Radio Buttons doesn't carry checked value Ajax

I have this registration script where I am using AJAX to carry the inputted data over to PHP into a MySQL database. Everything works perfectly fine "EXCEPT" the value of the checked radio ...
d-comet's user avatar
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ajax post failed by 403 Forbidden

in my codeigniter 3 view page i use following to edit data in sql table in phpmyadmin through a form submission: $(document).ready(function() { $('.edit_director').on('click', function() { ...
Solmaz's user avatar
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Get dynamic form inputs as JSON

I have an HTML form with many inputs. After submitting the form I should get these values as JSON format. The challenge here is that the form has dynamic fields that can be increased/decreased during ...
Meselhy's user avatar
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How can I populate Textfield using php ajax in each row of a table upon change of another textfield within the row

I have a javascript where upon click of a button a row with two cells is added to the table. One cell has a livesearch textfield and the another cell has a quantity textfield, whose value suppose to ...
GoodNews Carrier's user avatar
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How to Redirect Based on Form Input and Record Lead in Unbounce

I'm working on an Unbounce landing page and need some help with a form submission script. The goal is to redirect the user to a specific URL based on their input for the company_size field and ensure ...
Sue11's user avatar
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Trying to stay on the page after submitting, "Failed to fetch" (Used Typescript to write the form)

After trying not to redirect the user that has submitted the form, I had trouble sending the form to my form service. I setup a Formspark form to use on forces me to use ...
Onur Özalp's user avatar
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Jquery Ajax Post Alert is Noth Showing the Returned Data, it is showing the current page source

I am not getting the expected result when trying to post a form using ajax. I have a simple form. I also have a jquery script to submit the form so I can try to pre-validate a captcha text box before ...
Soren's user avatar
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Trying to remove an ajax action to do my own

I'm using the Forminator Plugin for Wordpress, and right now I'm trying to remove the action that (I asume) calls the default AJAX function that handles the POST, I have found this two actions: ...
sinned's user avatar
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Jquery form thank you page url is not working

I'm attempting to submit a form using the POST method. Upon successful submission, the page should redirect to a designated thank-you page URL. However, despite the form being successfully submitted, ...
user6725932's user avatar
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I have a WordPress website with multilingual (Polylan WP plugin). And these are on separate subdomain. eg. and is ...
Kaizur's user avatar
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i can't render partial js from controller rails 7

I've created my_portfolio.html.erb with form submission to controller with remote: true , the controller take the params and verification everything work fine with condition and code, but it's can't ...
LAX's user avatar
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Doubts on how to upload Filepond with PHP and Ajax via Submit form

First of all I tried to search here, I saw many and many topics but I couldn't solve my issue. Every post with a different solution that didn't worked. Then I decided to ask a question, cause I spent ...
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Receive AJAX Form data in Server side

How to receive AJAX Form data in Server side sent by Fetch API ? I have below Fetch API. const sent_urls = () => { const formData = new FormData(); formData.append('action', 'start_parsing')...
abu abu's user avatar
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