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Data saving from ckeditor appears empty in my database even when successfull

I'm working on a web application where I'm using CKEditor to allow users to input questions and multiple-choice options. I'm trying to save this data to a MSSQL database via a Java Servlet. Here’s ...
COSYBANANA63's user avatar
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I want to send data using ajax when the value comes out in jsp

The value comes out from JSP. However, I don't know how to send the value as Ajax data. I tried to print the JSP value and change it, but it failed. What should I do? What should I put in the data in ...
seullbee Lee's user avatar
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I cant get array value from my server responce [closed]

I have my server respond me with an dictionary. The console.log(responce) returns this: {"filters":{ "Facture": [ "Магма (Тычок)", "Тонкий кирпич", ...
Warsom's user avatar
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jquery script not executing after submitting post directly running servlet

I have to work on a demo project where I have created a model for posts in my blog(project). I have to write a jquery script to prevent the default action to go servlet. when I wrote that code jquery ...
Swapnil's user avatar
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Not able to add another data to the jsp table and the popup is also not hiding after using the ajax

I am trying to update the table on the jsp page whenever I click submit it should perform the necessary operations on the database and update them in the jsp page without refreshing the page. I have ...
ni9khil's user avatar
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How to pass the id via jquery in ajax call to perform delete operation?

I want to delete the element of the list by clicking the delete button. i have written the following ajax call for this: .ajax({ type : "GET", ...
parikshit verma's user avatar
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how to integrate Fullcalendar Ajax in JSP [duplicate]

I am trying to load events, that I have in my database, to my calendar but my little knowledge makes me not find the error `My Menu Servlet code` ArrayList<DTO> list = ges....
Daniel Palacio's user avatar
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JSON Response from Struts 2 not working with AJAX

I'm Using Ajax to get success response from Struts 2 but it ended up giving the response to error function and parse error for parsing JSON in Ajax. Below is my code. Action class - PropertyTesting....
s.surya Prakash's user avatar
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Ajax click event not firing In Javascript File

So i have a table in jsp and i'm trying to fire a function when clicking on the table lines in order to post the data. I have a JS file where i creted my function with ajax click event problem is the ...
karDEVproj's user avatar
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I'm using ajax to get Map<String,String> State data as stateCode and stateName from controller to show in JSP page

I'm using ajax to get Map<String,String> State data as stateCode and stateName from controller and want to show in JSP page as multiple selectbox. Like in jsp we can use ${states} to get all ...
My India Info's user avatar
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How to override the selected value of a drop-down list with jQuery

I am using a drop-down using JSTL (on the JSP page), this drop-down contains multiple records. Code SS Original drop down EXPECTED RESULT: There should be new "Value" on drop down and that ...
Sarmad Soz's user avatar
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Multiple inline insert using Ajax & JSP [duplicate]

I wanted to inline multiple inserts using Ajax & Jsp. It's working but inserting like comma separated Value, please see the image. But I want to insert into a database split value. like Student ...
Liton Biswas's user avatar
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XMLHttpRequest, AJAX, JSP, Load data into form

If the object contains more fields than what are referenced in the form, then it breaks, how can I prevent this ( the snippet below works. var data = { "...
David Garcia's user avatar
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How to pass Spring boot Model from one jsp page to another?

I am having two JSP pages named UserView.jsp and list-users.jsp. I want list-users.jsp on the dashboard component of UserView.jsp upon clicking a button view-users. Since the get request is from ...
DrDoggo's user avatar
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JQuery Ajax Call Appending a Comma to Parameter

I have written a JQuery Ajax Call like this: <%@ page language="java" contentType="text/html; charset=UTF-8" pageEncoding="UTF-8"%> <!DOCTYPE html> <html&...
hell_storm2004's user avatar

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