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How to pass data by using an AJAX request to method in Express?

I develop a blog application using express and node, and I need to pass an array of keywords to the method to save a blog post (no database is used, an array holds these blog posts) with ...
berkebayram's user avatar
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I can't figure out how to make an AJAX request

I want that when the "Send to DB" button is clicked, the data from the form is sent to the database and output in the form. A new row of an existing table. I have a table,under which is a ...
Andrey's user avatar
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JavaScript does not work after using Fetch API to change the HTML [duplicate]

My "interact.html" just has Login form and two buttons, which called "Login" and "Register" respectively, if users want to create a new account, they need to click the ...
Sean.L's user avatar
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How can I use multiple buttons for AJAX Calls?

<div class="form-group"> <div > <a href="/addcourse"> <button class="btn btn-primary ">add course</button&...
3LAA HANI's user avatar
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Getting undefined value when sending data to server side

index.html: //display the searched laptop function searchProducts(){ let search = document.getElementById("laptopSearched").value; console.log("Search_Value " + search); ...
MDB's user avatar
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Post request fires instantly when page loads

I have a simple one page website, where i have an email contact-form. My goal is to send an email to my account, when user fills the form and submits it. However, it doesn't work, cause POST request ...
Nkwitchoua's user avatar
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Ajax : POST-method not allowed 405

I am experimenting with POST-requests in node.js and html. Every time I am trying to post something, i get the error "POST http://IP:PORT/request 405 (Method Not Allowed)". This happens no ...
ottdevott's user avatar
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How to send HTML document element to server in Node JS from client?

I am trying catch a snap of my client side document object and send it across to the node js server. But when I try to stringify the JSON.stringify(document.documentElement) I am not able to do so. ...
recmach's user avatar
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Appending fetched json data to a div

I have tried to create a client side function that sends a fetch request for json data and then appends the response to a div however it doesnt seem to be working. here is the client side function ...
Alfie French's user avatar
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I'm trying to perform a calculation, return the result and render it in the same page in node.js can't figure out the last part

So I'm trying to perform a calculation on node js and then render the result in in the main HTML but I can't figure out how. Everything else is working and done I'm just missing the last part. Any ...
serialKilla09's user avatar
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Can't get search results ajax, html

So what i am trying to do here is searching users by their id, but the code isnt working, it says id_needle is undefined which I'm not sure why, did I do something wrong here? Please help look through ...
inletfighter's user avatar
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How to show userdata from a mongodb database on a page, edit the data and save again

I have a site where you can register as user and log in. Now i am trying to make a profile page where you can change your username, email and password. I can only get the data from the first user from ...
Jake.L.B's user avatar
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How to redirect user to different web page using Express.js? (Yes, I have tried using the `redirect` method) [duplicate]

I am creating a simple web application with no front-end framework (other than jQuery) with an Express.js backend. I am trying to redirect the user to a different page once a registration form is ...
austinw's user avatar
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Retrieving Mongodb data in front end by using Ajax Get Method

I have inserted a data in mongodb and used nodejs for writting API, need to retrieve those data in front-end using jquery. I have inserted 3 rows of data in mongodb.I have used below code to get data ...
Shining's user avatar
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Pass AJAX param and access it from expressjs side of application

I feel like I am missing something here. To start, you have an AJAX call you can do in tag to post data to the backend, which looks something like, function changeDom(){ console.log('...
Zachary Pavelski's user avatar

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