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Adding sliding transition to ng-repeat div

Our team has created a widget in ServiceNow that shows a row of icons and show/hide additional details in a div when icons are clicked. This is what our html and client controller looks like: <...
Dave's user avatar
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how to make ng-show/ng-hide transition animation smoother

Our team is developing in ServiceNow and have created a page with a widget that embeds several other widgets in different tabs. We're using the ng-show/ng-hide method to show/hide the specified tabs. ...
Dave's user avatar
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AngularJS Animate - Transition To Different Background Color Only Works One Way

I use the following CSS to animate the change in background color for a div:,,,
Lloyd Banks's user avatar
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animation css3 flickering issue in Internet explorer 11 with ng-hide

Please take a look at this ( in IE 11.Click on a dropdown button on the right side of the webchat screen on sliding down the webchat ...
Ankita's user avatar
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Moving an element from right to left using CSS3 transitions on load of the document

I want to add a transition property to an element which contains text coming from an angular controller. I want to move it from right to left when the document loads. Is there any way to do that. ...
s4tr2's user avatar
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Responsive Menu (CSS Issue) [Space Between top level Menus]

Im new to responsive UIs , Actually i`m trying to create a responsive menu from json data using angular js. When my screen size is full then it works fine , but when my screen max-width is less than ...
RD063's user avatar
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Angular initial transition of ng-show, using $timeout and $compile

I have a service that uses $compile to attach some HTML to the DOM. This HTML contains one ng-show with a transition for showing and hiding, and it starts with a falsy condition. The problem is when ...
Ian's user avatar
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AngularJS: Animate ng-hide / ng-show height of li by using css transitions

I am using Angular to hide/show items of a unordered list. Since the effect is a bit too fast for the user to notice the disappearance/appearance of my lis, I want to add a transition on the height. ...
moudug's user avatar
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How can I fade in the updated characters from an ng-model input?

My website uses an input <input type="text" ng-model="name"> and a header <h1>Hello {{name}}</h1>. As it should, updated text appears as the user types in the input. Is it possible ...
Ethernetz's user avatar
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transition-delay doesn't work with ng-class

I have a font awesome icon on a button and it switches between fa-search and fa-spinner icons with ng-class (when user types something in the corresponding input, it tries to autocomplete, runs an ...
Boris Burkov's user avatar
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Are animations with ng-style possible? (AngularJS)

I have a div set to a dynamic height called option.height using AngularJS's ng-style attribute. <div class="rec" ng-style="{ 'height': option.height, 'background-color': option.color}"></...
Ethernetz's user avatar
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Trace of ui-notification after being killed

How to remove the trace of ui-notification These notifications making user to unable to click on buttons Even notification killed when user geeting to point again its popping ,blocking the user to ...
Sri Sai Ramya T's user avatar
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angular animations not working for ng-show when changing class using ng-class

I want to create a slider for some objects that are contained in an unordered list, using ng-show and animations. I have this working well when the objects are sliding in one direction. However, when ...
Tom O'Brien's user avatar
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AngularJS with CSS3 Animations - Slideshow Issues

I am attempting to create a simple content slider with AngularJS. I am following this tutorial: However, the content is "jumping". The ...
KellyM's user avatar
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Angular ng-view slide animation entering and leaving elements are placed one below the other

I am trying to animate ng-view directive. As the first element leaves, it translates in the x direction towards right, and when the next element enters, it translates in the x direction but from the ...
VivekDev's user avatar
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