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react-spring -leave event not working as expected

enter image description hereenter image description here Please help to make it animation as attached image, I tried with @react-spring/web library - useTransition leave config seems it's not working ...
Hiral Trivedi's user avatar
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Match up ease-in-out with ease-out

I have two elements with animation. The first elements animation lasts 1 second and has an easing curve of cubic-bezier(0.5, 0, 0.5, 1) (easing in and out). The second elements animation starts 0.5s ...
CatHat's user avatar
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Scroll Magic transition issues with full screen background videos

I have an issue with animations on scroll magic being funky when scrolling back UP. So in the JSFiddle attached you'll see the animations looks fine on the way down. However on the way up it sort of ...
whitebuffalowanderer's user avatar
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How to exclude an element from view transitions?

I have an v17.3 Angular App and enabled view transitions using the withViewTransitions() function. Now, how can I exclude one specific element from the default (root) view transitions? ::view-...
Stimmler's user avatar
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React Transition Not Working When Conditional Rendering Based on State Change

I have a toggle button to change the boolean state. when the state is toggled i want one particular block to appear/disappear with a transition. but the transition is not working. is there anything i'...
Abu RayhaN's user avatar
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How to Apply Animation/Transition Effect in MudBlazor .Net6.0

Code Below is the Reference for Animation/Transition Effect I wanted. <!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <style> .container { position: relative; width: 1000px; /* Set the ...
Joe's user avatar
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Is it possible when using the css transform property to delay only one value and not the other using transition-delay [duplicate]

I have written the following code in order to animate a hamburger menu using css and a bit of javascript. However, I intend for the animation to work as follows. First, I want the top and bottom line ...
Jude Wallach's user avatar
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Transition not working without setTimeout in useEffect

I have one small component, with some text. In useEffect, I am simply setting the top of the element to some values. CSS: .box { display: flex; flex-direction: column; position: relative; ...
Rahul's user avatar
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I need help making an animated full screen button for my website using CSS

I'm working on an animated button for my website that transforms an icon like this into one like this and back. The goal is for a spam-proof transition to smoothly take place between the two states in ...
TheDudeofDC's user avatar
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Vue2 transition don't move on leave transition

Vue2 If any element stores in the middle or end of list, then it'll move to the top on leaving. How to keep element on the place while leaving with current transition (scale) and without moving to the ...
Indam's user avatar
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How to make smooth expansion animation with icon appearance in css?

I have this piece of code which consists of a featured blog post section on my website. I made an icon to appear when hovering the .read-further, however it doesn't really do a smooth transition ...
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I want to load a div text content only once with animation without hovering

I wanted to display a div content only one transition while the page loads first time. or if we refresh it then load once again. for that I used below code but it only shows once then there is again ...
Abhishek Yadav 's user avatar
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How to animate height with transform without squishing content

In my project I have been using jQuery slideUp() to slide up an element in a 200 item list when the user clicks a button. But, as everyone knows, animating CSS height requires a reflow, making the ...
cytek04's user avatar
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Make loading circle appear with transition

I added a simple loading circle from template. Before submit button is clicked it has style.display = 'none', after submit clicked, it becomes style.display = 'inline-block' and after 3 second it ...
Lvasche's user avatar
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How can I make a "squishy slide" animation in React / MUI?

I have a list of items. When I first load the page, I want them to slide in sequentially in rapid succession and then shrink slightly when they arrive at their final destination -- sort of like what ...
Sasgorilla's user avatar
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