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API project is not authorized to use this even no ristriction

I have a issue regarding Directions API Response: { "error_message" : "This API project is not authorized to use this API.", "routes" : [], "status" : &...
Gautam chibi's user avatar
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How can I achieve a smooth direction update using DirectionsAPI (I'm using Google Maps API for my application)

private void getPlaceDetails(String placeName) { // List<Place.Field> placeFields = Arrays.asList(Place.Field.ID, Place.Field.LAT_LNG); AutocompleteSessionToken token = ...
Carlolong's user avatar
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Recieve IllegalStateException when I try to build GeoApiContext to get polyline for my maps

I am trying to display the distance between two points as a polyline on the google maps in my app. For some reason this line of code keeps giving me the same exception which causes my app to crash at ...
kinghabz 14's user avatar
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getting null pointer exception java.lang.Class java.lang.Object.getClass()

I implemented Direction API in my app it works perfectly on debug build but getting crash on release build I think it is because of proguard rules what rule I want to add in proguard to resolve this ...
Mohanasundar's user avatar
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Is Google Directions API route recommendation updating according to real-time traffic?

I'm building a route recommendation app in Android Studio where the user can see the best route between two destinations on the map. I am using Google Maps APIs for that and I know that it's using ...
IoanaBanu's user avatar
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Changing Google Maps polyline color only changes a part of the polyline of alternative routes

When a user selects two locations, I'm trying to show one main route and two alternative routes. The main one's in blue and the other two are in gray. It works as expected. I want to change the color ...
Tashila Pathum's user avatar
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Google Maps Direction API response not mapping with road

I am trying to call directions API and showing the route on Map, but the route is not perfectly matching the road. Here's how I am getting Directions: suspend fun getGoogleDirections( origin: ...
mohit48's user avatar
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Why is the polyline not drawn on the map

I am trying to draw a route between two coordinates. The project consists of several fragments, when the fragment with the map is loaded, the route should be drawn immediately by coordinates. fun ...
lian. lun's user avatar
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How to move Google Map marker automatically as driver is moving

I'm trying to figure out how we can track driver position on Google map as he is moving. Here's my code: public class TrackDriverActivity extends AppCompatActivity implements OnMapReadyCallback { ...
anta40's user avatar
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directions in google map

I want to show directions in google map (android studio , java) package; import androidx.annotation.NonNull; import; import androidx.appcompat....
pljni613's user avatar
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Call to Directions API failing with "REQUEST_DENIED" status

The network response from the Google Directions API is returning an error: {"error_message":"This IP, site or mobile application is not authorized to use this API key. Request received ...
Orbit's user avatar
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Problem with DirectionsApiRequest and apiRequest.setCallback

Wrote a method for creating and overlaying a route between two points. The problem is that when it's triggered in normal mode (without breakpoints), it causes NullPointerException or ...
p0var's user avatar
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DirectionsApiRequest not working below from SDK 26 Android phone

I am using DirectionsApiRequest to get direction information from google it work fine from SDK 26 to above android phone.But it did not give any result or error on android phone below to SDK 26. ...
Mohsin Tariq's user avatar
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Planing route with google maps [closed]

I need to show on Android in my app google maps and also should be a possibility planing route between two points and need the possibility to set way to travel (walking, driving). Which package should ...
Aleksandr's user avatar
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Directions API returns 0 routes

I am using Google Directions API and Retrofit in Android to get routes. The problem is that I get 0 routes and I don't know why. This is the code where I make the call: verRuta.setOnClickListener(new ...
lcrnlpz's user avatar
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