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using multiple waypoints in google directions service

I have following code for the functionality in my site to calculate distance between a pickup address, a drop-off address and one waypoint (optional). if ( Google_AutoComplete_Country != '...
vipworks's user avatar
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Real Time user Tracking with Google Maps API

I want to create the same functionality as Google Maps application in a website using the JavaScript API of Google Maps. I can get the current user location and updating it through setinterval on the ...
Rashid Bhura's user avatar
-1 votes
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adding PHP variables into Javascript functions using Google Directions API

I am fairly new using google APIs. I am creating an application where I need to use addresses saved in a database t0 display a route to an event. I have found a template allowing me to manually change ...
Brad's user avatar
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Using google api for search results in database

I have a database table where I save Google's placeID 1 as the origin and placeID 2 as the destination. Later on, I use these fields from my database to pass them to Google's Directions API in order ...
dzafe's user avatar
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3 votes
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Google Maps direction request without traffic

I have to write a program, that tells me the shortest way between two points. The traffic shouldn't be regarded. My Request is this. ''.$...
Lightspeed's user avatar
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2 answers

how to find the total distance traveled, based on geo points stored in database

Using an android app I am sending latitude and longitude values to database. This is my database Now in webpage I need to show the total distance traveled by K.Prathibha.N I've used Google Maps ...
Prabs's user avatar
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How to display places on a route of a given destination

I'm trying to add markers (for places) on a route. It's like getting directions in Google maps. There should be two text boxes for origin and destination. After click on submit button the map should ...
wcdesilva's user avatar
0 votes
2 answers

Find and show the route of the closest markers using DirectionsService by Google Map API v3

Thanks for the help in this forum and i almost complete my assignment in searching the shortest route between a starting point and many markers. However, my distance measurment is simply adopting ...
Jimmy Lee's user avatar
4 votes
4 answers

How to decode Polylines from Google Maps Direction API in PHP

I have json response from the following URL:,IL&destination=Los%20Angeles,CA&sensor=false JSON path routes[x].legs[y].steps[...
Shehzad Bilal's user avatar