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How change the background color of the app in MAUI for iOS18

I have my .NET8 MAUI application with my logo. With the release of iOS 18, most of the icons can change the background colour based on the dark mode of the iPhone. I was wondering if with MAUI it is ...
Enrico's user avatar
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How do I get the unique ID of an NFC tag, developing with .net maui for IOS?

I'm developing an app with maui that interacts with NFC tags, I've already done the part to start the session and get the Tag object. Now how do I get the unique ID from my Tag object ? Thank you I ...
Giaco's user avatar
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CollectionView in iOS doesn't render properly in iOS and macOS

In my .NET8 MAUI project, I have a CollectionView to display some elements. This collection is working on Windows and Android. <CollectionView Margin="{OnIdiom '20,0,20,0', ...
Enrico's user avatar
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Login Persists After App Reinstallation on iOS Without Logout in .NET Maui

I’m facing an issue with my iOS mobile application using Auth0 for authentication. Here’s the scenario: I logged into my app using Auth0. I uninstalled the app without logging out. After reinstalling ...
Thala Dhoni's user avatar
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How to disable AuthO Logout Popup in .Net Maui Ios Devices

Could anyone provide suggestions or ideas on how to disable the popup that appears when using the logout async method in .NET MAUI on iOS devices? Has anyone successfully implemented a solution for ...
Thala Dhoni's user avatar
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Detect connection usb device(storage) to IOS in MAUI

I have usb flash drive which connect to Iphone XR via adapter. I want to detect when device was connected to Iphone. I read this links and try to write something similar xamarin link swift link ...
soniko62's user avatar
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Play a byte[] of audio clips in sequence

I have a collection of Audio data stored as byte[] in an ObservableCollection. I want to iterate through and be able to play them all one after the other in my Maui app. I need the ability to Stop ...
Reza's user avatar
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Add GPS to UIImage C# MAUI

Good afternoon I create and save a UIImage to the application folder on ios. I have a photo geolocated and need to save the photo with it, but I can't find information anywhere on how to do this. Has ...
Zorro One's user avatar
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.NET MAUI InvalidateMeasure on ScrollView won't reset height when within a RefreshView on iOS

When records are removed (via pull down refresh) the ScrollView doesn't resize (shrink in height) based on the new content length, which it should provided: (svMain as IView).InvalidateMeasure(); The ...
aberdat's user avatar
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How do I debug iOS Background Task in MAUI (Xamarin iOS)?

My question is similar to Xamarin iOS - How to debug a background service but there is no answer there. I know there is this guide from Apple but I am not really sure how to do that from MAUI: In the ...
Luke Vo's user avatar
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Loading native library on Android and iOS using .NET MAUI

I am trying to load on Android and use __Internal on iOS. But it throws "DllNotFoundException" on Android and crashes right away on iOS. After many attempts, I added ...
Patates's user avatar
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Open a downloaded Word document in MS Word app

I am working on an iOS app where I need to download a .docx file and then open it in MS Word app if it's installed. I'm using .Net MAUI and C# for development. First I'm downloading the document file ...
swainsusrut's user avatar
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MAUI .NET 8 iOS - Method not found: SkiaSharp.SKMatrix SkiaSharp.SKMatrix.MakeTranslation(single,single)

I have created a new MAUI .NET 8 project and migrated the Xamarin forms project code. I am facing an exception as below when loading the SVG image, Unhandled Exception: System.MissingMethodException: ...
Anitha v's user avatar
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Strange gRPC Issue on iOS for Blazor MAUI Hybrid

We are using gRPC in our app and it works great, now suddenly we got the error below on iOS, the exact same code works great on Android and Windows. The error: TypeInitialization_Type, ...
Smith5727's user avatar
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MAUI .NET 8 iOS - Span TapGestureRecognizer not working

I have created a new MAUI .NET 8 project and migrated the Xamarin forms project code. In iOS, the span text TapGestureRecognizer is not working. gesture_Tapped event is not triggered. var sp2 = new ...
Anitha v's user avatar

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