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Can mobile dotnet runtime be heap-limited?

Having Xamarin (or maui) iOS application extension (net8.0-ios, ios-arm64), I would like to force it the maximal heap size. Unfortunately apple states that Notification Service Extension can allocate ...
sharpener's user avatar
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iOS Ad-Hoc/.NET MAUI: What alternative causes might there be for iOS "This app cannot be installed because its integrity could not be verified"

We have recently migrated an application from Xamarin to MAUI. The application works fine in development environments, but in CI builds are producing Ad-Hoc .ipa files that can not be installed on ...
TheXenocide's user avatar
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MAUI .NET 8 iOS - Method not found: SkiaSharp.SKMatrix SkiaSharp.SKMatrix.MakeTranslation(single,single)

I have created a new MAUI .NET 8 project and migrated the Xamarin forms project code. I am facing an exception as below when loading the SVG image, Unhandled Exception: System.MissingMethodException: ...
Anitha v's user avatar
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MAUI .NET 8 iOS - Span TapGestureRecognizer not working

I have created a new MAUI .NET 8 project and migrated the Xamarin forms project code. In iOS, the span text TapGestureRecognizer is not working. gesture_Tapped event is not triggered. var sp2 = new ...
Anitha v's user avatar
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How to fetch call logs in .NET MAUI for Android and iOS

I am developing a .NET MAUI application and I need to fetch the call logs from a user's device. in Android and iOS . and show the caller name and duration of the call in my app . I have written the ...
Khan Mehnaz's user avatar
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MAUI .NET 8 on iOS -System.ArgumentException: NaN is not a valid value for width

I have created a new MAUI .NET 8 project and migrated the Xamarin forms project code. When tried to run the project with the iOS simulator with Jetbrains Rider, which threw the exception below, System....
Anitha v's user avatar
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Maui application throws UITableView error after navigating to certain pages

I'm currently developing a MAUI application for Android and iOS. When deploying the app to an iOS device - regardless if it's a simulator or a real device - there are a few content pages in my ...
Fryndorfer's user avatar
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Tethered iOS App Terminates Seconds After Debugger Pauses (Visual Studio Avalonia/Xamarin/Maui)

I'm developing a cross-platform app using Avalonia (written in C#, works similar to Xamarin / Maui). The app targets iOS, Android, & Windows, and is working well under all 3. Development is being ...
J23's user avatar
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Is it possible to convert a UIImage into a Microsoft.Maui.Image?

I've been unable to figure out how so far. I've tried searching for documents, tutorials and the MAUI source code but haven't yet figured this out. It seemed so much easier to do in Xamarin Forms, ...
UnreachableCode's user avatar
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Error in iOS Simulator with .NET MAUI Blazor Hybrid: "Info.plist does not contain a valid CFBundleVersion

I am developing a .NET MAUI Blazor Hybrid application in Visual Studio 2022 and encountering an error when attempting to run it on the iOS simulator. The error message states: The application's Info....
Güliz Hasan's user avatar
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Action Invoke not working in MAUI, not null in Xamarin

I am trying to use this StackOverflow solution in my MAUI code but the action never gets invoked in the view model. I have this declaration just as before public Action<bool> OnLoginFailed { get;...
Saamer's user avatar
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.NET Maui ListView Get Currently visible items in Android and iOS

I have a cross platform app (iOS/Android) currently built in Xamarin that needs to know which items in a list view are currently visible. It is working in Xamarin, but I can't seem to figure out how ...
Will's user avatar
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.net Maui custom MapHandler

I want to make custom renderes, or handlers as it is in Maui, and it works for Android, but I cannot make it work on iOS. I make a very basic custom map class with a method to tilt the view of the map....
JoeTaicoon's user avatar
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.NET Maui Entry Complete With No Return Button on iOS?

I'm using an entry control (.Net 7) with the keyboard type specifically set to numeric only as entering letter text is not necessary and will cause issues as it's sending data to a BT device and is ...
Riley Houston's user avatar
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Xamarin/.net MAUI iOS Map Handle click of built in annotations on map

I've got a custom maphandler for iOS in our .net maui app to handle platform specific code for ios devices map functionality. Im trying to replicate the functionality that is present in the standard ...
Matt's user avatar
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