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How to read a specific frame to a specific frame from video using opencv?

I want to read from a specific frame to a specific frame in a video. For example , my video consists of 150 frames, but I want to read the video from frame 5th to frame 134th in that video. Is it ...
-1 votes
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How to check if a group of consecutive frames from a video are same not?

I have a set of consecutive frames from a video. For example like this ({F1, F20}, {F34, F40}, {F89, F200}). So here from F1 to F20 represents one segment or a sequence of frames. My question is how ...
ashish14's user avatar
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how to make a video from extracted frames?

I extracted the video frames into a folder called "images". After getting images saved in my folder, I use the following code to create the video again. I get the video but the frames are ordered ...
nikki's user avatar
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Error during making video of extracted frames

I extracted the video frames into a folder called "images". Let's consider: a0.jpg a1.jpg a2.jpg a3.jpg and ...... now I want to make a video of those frames. I have got this code to create video ...
nikki's user avatar
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Write frame into MP4 format using opencv2 and c++

I am trying to write the frame into my local machine in mp4 format. The frame is read from an existing mp4 file. After running the following code, I was able to see the VideoOutput.mp4 file, but it is ...
superninja's user avatar
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How to read pixels from a specific video frame

I am trying to change a pixel in a specific video frame using OpenCV in Python. My current code is: import cv2 cap = cv2.VideoCapture("plane.avi") cap.set(1, 2) #2- the second frame of my video res, ...
Georgi Valchev's user avatar
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Simple Implementation of Video Capture by using Thread

I would like to display the video frame in thread. But when I run the below code, I feel that the program executes but does not display the live video frame. I felt there might be an error in ...
MBT's user avatar
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opencv Unable to stop the stream: Inappropriate ioctl for device

I just want to convert video to frame images. Using this simple code import cv2 vidcap = cv2.VideoCapture('gog.mp4') success,image = count = 0 success = True while success: success,...
Gor's user avatar
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OpenCV-Python VideoCapture only loads part of video

I am currently trying to load a ultra-HD video (3840 × 2160) frame-by-frame using OpenCV in Python. I am using the VideoCapture object from the OpenCV library, and it seems to work fine except for the ...
LasseRegin's user avatar
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extract frame from a video for detection with opencv

i'm developing a program to detect object in video or image. It works with the image, but now i want to use it with video. I use a specific folder to pick the image so i wanted to save frames from ...
Marco Cuccagna's user avatar
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How to store a frame to a file using OpenCV

I am reading frames from a camera using: capture=cv.CaptureFromCAM(0) frame1 = cv.QueryFrame(capture) How can I save this frame into a jpg file?
uduck's user avatar
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How to get video frame by frame from stream using openCV and python

I'm using VLC media player to stream .mp4 video using http. Streaming works fine (i was able to attach to this stream using another instance of VLC). Now I want to connect to this stream using OpenCV ...
msw's user avatar
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extracting frames using FFMPEG?

I'm trying to write code to extract 16 frames from a video file using ffmpeg (or openCV - open to suggestions) and python but I'm having a lot of trouble figuring out how to get started. Can I use ...
Natasha Hoherchak's user avatar
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Python openCV maximum video duration

I'm having some trouble reading entire durations of AVI videos using openCV (tested with both 2.4 and 3) and Python 2.7. The duration of the videos are around 20 minutes. After a certain number of ...
openHeadache's user avatar
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How to know total number of Frame in a file with cv2 in python

How to know total number of Frame in a file ( .avi) through Python using open cv module. If possible what all the information (resolution, fps,duration,etc) we can get of a video file through this.
Niraj's user avatar
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