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How to save video into a file using OpenCV and Java?

Using OpenCV and Java I could live stream the video from the camera with the Java JFrame application, that means accessing the camera and capturing the video from the camera works as well. I want to ...
O Connor's user avatar
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How to create a web service in Java that keeps push video binary data to a web page?

I have been doing researches on how to real-time stream video from a camera using Java and OpenCV. I could real-time stream the video with Java JFrame application. Now I want to real-time stream the ...
O Connor's user avatar
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OpenCV VideoWriter filps video

I'm using OpenCV 4.5.2 with Java bindings, and trying to create a video from set of frames. class OpenCVVideoWriter( size: com.domain.util.model.Size, frameRate: Float, outputFile: File ) {...
artem's user avatar
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I am using ffmpeg java library to convert captured screenshots to video. Video output is blurry

I am using ffmpeg java library to convert captured screenshots to video. Video which is generated as output is blurry. I am using bit rate as 9000, frames per sec as 25 and video size as that of ...
dark prince's user avatar
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Android OpenCV memory leak

I am working on an app that uses opencv to process video. This is the opencv part of my function: //Open the streams var merged = VideoCapture() var flicker = ...
Jules Hummelink's user avatar
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"Bad src image pointers" error after calling setFrameNumber() on FFmpegFrameGrabber in JavaCV

I am in the process of creating a small video editor and currently trying to get video files to display in the preview window. To do that, I want to get a frame of a video at a specific position using ...
cegredev's user avatar
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Read a mp4 and write to anther mp4 creates bigger size

I extracted frames of the mp4 (175KB)file into a folder as jpg files and then trying to write it back to a new mp4 (2.96MB). I see a huge file difference. Another point i notice is that the data rate ...
Ravisha's user avatar
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How to overlay video over webcam streaming using opencv or ffmpeg in Java

In my project I am previewing webcam capture and video (in webm format with vp8 codecs) capture on the screen in Java Desktop application. Currently I use VideoCapture class to retrieve both webcam ...
Sanzhar's user avatar
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Java/OpenCV - How to do a lossless h264 video writing in openCV?

in the last time I had some struggle with the VideoWriter in openCV under java. I want to write a video file in a *.mp4 container with h.264 codec - but I see no option to toggle bitrate or quality in ...
JohnDoeAnon's user avatar
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Cant play a video in Processing - runtime exception

I'm trying to write a program for Brownian motion monitoring. The test code looks fine but I can't download the video nor in .avi nor in .mov format from the sketch folder, the window opens but it ...
Fulmenius's user avatar
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JavaCV pass video frame to imread()

I'm trying to use JavaCV for template matching. The demo example is located here. I add all their .jar files to the project. I need to pass a video frame (say video.mp4's last frame) to imread() ...
angel_30's user avatar
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How can I send video stream to client side (Browser) by using RTSP

I want to implement something like below: Reading the video stream from IP-Camera by using RTSP (which is done) Processing the image by OpenCV (which is done) Sending the image to the browser to ...
Bahramdun Adil's user avatar
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How to split video into frames using OpenCV Java?

I'm working on a project to analyze the motion of an object across a video, and I want to split the video into BufferedImage to analyze them frame by frame. Is OpenCV the best library for doing this? ...
AlterV's user avatar
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Record video to memory in Java

I am using OpenCV 3.1.0 in Java to record video segments, and then upload those segments to a site. By using the VideoWriter class, I have to save each video segment to a file, but was hoping to ...
SolarFlare's user avatar
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How do I read a video from Minoru 3d webcam in OpenCV Python?

I am working on opencv python installed on Windows 10 (64 bit) I am using Minoru 3D webcam.I wrote a code on reading a video from 2 lens camera.I am here with the following error: Traceback (most ...
harsha's user avatar
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